Game crashes upon loading new scenario
I have been playing WINSPMBT for a while now and started to get into scenario- and campaign design, but now, when I finally figured out how that works and so on, I got some unexplainable crashes: I am working on a campaign and am adding one more scenario - the fourth for that campaign - and the trouble starts: I finish this scenario and save it, then add it to the capaign - fine.
But as soon as I try to load it again from the editor, or play it, the game crashes, with some message like: "unknown software exception" and winspmbt.exe couldn't be executed...
I really got no clue what went wrong - I didnt do anything different than with the previous scenarios, and even if I try it again, this keeps happening all the time! Any idea, anyone?
'Qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparat' - Flavius Vegetius Renatus (~400 AD), in the preface to 'De re militari'