Okay, help needed with something:
I'm trying to make an device whose function depends on having another item in the cargo hold. My problem is that you can't set conditions in a device data block (or at least I don't know how to) so I hit upon the idea of making the device do one thing: set a user defined variable to "on" which I had initialized to "off" in a quest (the quest that loads both of the items in question).
So then there's one PAGE in the quest that looks for both items and for the UVAR to be on. But generally what happens is that I push the button, and nothing happens until I pick up on of the two items, and then I get the quest PAGE that indicates that I was missing one of the items and so nothing happened. I even set each to pop up their own display windows. This quest worked beautifully when it was just two items and if you ever had them both, it'd just go off, but now that I changed it to give the player the option of doing it, nothing.
Things I already thought of: I set DISP 1 just to make sure it'd pop up a window from scratch. I make sure to reset it to off in both the success and failure windows so that it will be ready to use again.
I can click the USE button a hundred times, but I don't think the game looks through the quests until something is moved around. But then I tried picking up unrelated items and got nothing. It only goes off when I pick up one of the haveitem items.
Any ideas?