Re: Nation Idea: LA Oceania
Ichtyids in general sounds interesting, and this is more than just a person who's joys in life include watching massive phalanxes of ichtyids scour the coasts and shallows talking.
As identified, Oceana has a definate character-arc as a faction. I think the tritons were done in EA. The halfmen rallied things on the periphery, and things went well for a while, but then... anything that couldn't act on the general cry of "Get out of the water!" at the end of the Middle Era got its culture obliterated by Ryleh.
The Ichtyids may be the only ocean-involved "civilization" with any cultural continuity /left/ by LA, (and it wasn't much to begin with). I think some surviving bishop-fish plastered over fringe cities of quasi-civilized ichtyids and some merman (reef dweller?) detrius is how it would end up. For a template to plaster it over I suggest medieval Somolia or Yeman, after the Mongols got finished with the Caliphate.