Updated Mod: Sgqwonkian Crisis v1.5
Update: I'm attaching a link to the 1.5 version.
No new content since the 1.1 version, just bug fixes and graphics tweaks. However, since the 1.1 version was very unstable, there's probably some amount of content in 1.5 that you've never actually seen before.
It's still a little rough around the edges, not quite up to the standards of my other recent work, but at least it's not likely to crash to the desktop every 3rd game.
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Original post:
Hello, I'm a new member of this forum (been lurking for a couple weeks though). Weird Worlds is a wonderful game, and I'm really enjoying the various mods people have made. Thought it was high time I get my but in gear and give something back to the modding community...
Here's my first Mod ever, the Sgqwonkian Crisis.
This mod mostly adds to the main game, presenting a new mission and a new take on old badguys. The Urluquai are commiting genocide! Only you can save the Sgqwonkian Confederation!
Here's a list of changes in this mod:
+ Added new original race, the Sgqwonk, along with several small quests involving them, and a variety of modified equipment on their vessels.
+ Increased the importance of the Urluquai, modified the Tan Ru, and technically created another race as well.
+ Changed the items available at the Terran homeworld.
+ Added the Relief Supplies item.
+ New mainquest. It's a little derivative, but supports the theme.
+ Deleted the Mantle of Babulon, since an anti-Urluquai theme would be pointlessly silly if you could just throw on a cloak of charisma and make nice with them.
The following items were borrowed (without express permission, I'm afraid - hope this doesn't piss anyone off) from other Mods:
+ Added every Urluquai ship I could find. If you've made a new Urluquai hull, there's a good chance it's in here.
+ Added the Terran Assault Ship from the sample mod.
Last edited by sgqwonkian; February 3rd, 2010 at 05:38 PM..
Reason: Version 1.5