I'm not sure if giving a better starting site would be such a good idea.
I mean, if I knew a certain nation had a capital so very plentiful, I would do anything to rush and plunder it, postponing any other feud.
In the case of a game where there are basically 2 groups with neutrals standing alone in between...IMHO as well give a treasure map to everybody and press the "rush & gang el dorado" button.
If the idea behind giving more money and gems to neutrals was giving them a fair start and detering an early rush, give neutrals a band of starting heroes (buyable or national) and equip them with gems or gemproducing items. That would be a good equivalent to +1200 gold and 10 gems of each type imho.
I'd let our moderator decide which heroes and items for that matter.
But since I've never tried anything remotely comparable, that may just be a stupid idea