In regards to your removal of wreckage question, I believe it has been an issue of time frame and scope of the game. I'm sure if Engineering Vehicles were given to ability to move wrecks, next folks would want them to dig hull down positions etc.
Frankly in modern combat an ARV type vehicle would be an expensive and hard to replace asset to put into real harms way to open a road in the time frame our battles occur. These assets do that stuff later once the frontlines are far removed from the offending vehicle. I feel your pain brother! More than once has a bridge as a great example, had brewed up armour sitting on it slowing my race across to secure to other side. I've thought, " If only I could order someone to "push that junk off the bridge!" alla Col Hessler.
As for bridge layers, I do believe they could be cobbled together using barge carriers and barges, something which is in my long list of things to do. If I manage this I will post for sure. Again I believe the game scope has made it a non issue and besides if needed a bridge can be laid and regular stone bridge could double as such, MAYBE someone could add a bailey type bridge into the bridge types for building maps, that would make me happy. I have in the past used a rail bridge as a Bailey.
Tank Transporters, can be handy to move slow tanks to the battle area and move damaged ones to the rear. This might be useful especially in a campaign. Personally you’d need a large map and likely a scenario in the 40’s or 50’s to make these worthwhile because in a modern battlefield these would high value interdiction targets.
The other reason for their inclusion would be for scenario building. I suppose one could use this argument for the inclusion of bridge layers as well.
Man, I love this game!!!!