What's the verdict on this game's AI?
With limited funds, I’m still on the fence about whether to purchase this game. It does sound like most are having fun playing it. Since I only play single player computer games, my main concern is in regards to the games AI ability.
Is the AI capable of playing a challenging game (in using various strategies, responses, etc.) and is it actually capable of winning against a human opponent, or do you mostly win against it?
Does the games AI have the ability to play differently from one game to another (in terms of its own random strategies, invasion goals, ship placements, task force formations, etc.) or does it come across as being somewhat predictable after a few games?
I guess what I am trying to ask is will this game be a game that I can play long term (with varying degrees of randomness and challenge) or will it be one that although fun, will not provide much long term replay ability for the single player?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards.
Last edited by Timothy; December 24th, 2008 at 10:26 PM..