Originally Posted by GameExtremist
Where did I hurl insults?
I believe my post was quite moderate, no personal attacks etc. I don't believe my posts were macho ..foolish or even making me look bad for pointing a few things out - i.e. Dom3 etiquette.
I was referring to this part of your post:
[quote=GameExtremist;743210]Well I guess if the game isn't fun for you anymore you can just quit?
the message here was very clear, despite trying to hide it with smooth talk, sorry but I *can* read between the lines... also it shows that you love to jump the gun, talking about things you have no idea about, and automatically think you're right despite admitting you don't know the situation!
If anyone should feel insulted it should be the other players in the game - Lanka's player included as its now a case of "The pot calling the kettle black" so to speak.
and here you continue... I clearly explained why my situation was
very different from Lanka, and you still offend me by smooth talking with the whole "the pot calling the kettle black" crap. seriously, do you think I'm that *stupid* to not see what you're doing here...?
I had no idea you'd set your nation to AI till Num pointed it out, a post in this thread requesting either a sub - yes some people will take up what seems to be a dead end challenge or letting the rest of the players know of your decision would have been a small courtesy.
first of all, here you admit that you have no knowledge at all of my situation, yet you happily lash out at me. who is the hypocrite now heh? second of all, the only people who *might* have been able to turn my situation around, if at all, are very experienced players and especially people like Sensori who is the master of making comebacks from hopeless situations. the problem here is that this was a
newbie game so it would have been even more unfair to let somebody very experienced to take my place, and another newbie just didn't stand a chance anyway which is why I turned AI in the first place...
perhaps I should have posted about it in here first, but after the lynch on me, which you started by the way, I really didn't feel like doing that. I already felt like I was fighting against the game, with only Vanheim somewhat by my side, but even he canceled our NAP when he was Ermor was overrunning me... so again, go ahead and blame me, but look in the mirror first!
Anyway good day too you sir *tips hat*
good day to you too