Originally Posted by pydna
...Point Defence...Missile Interceptors... Electronic Countmeasures...
The main point is you don't get cluttered with lots of gizmos that do the same thing.
SE4/5 modeled each of these effectively I think but my concern with weapons in general was besides the incremental upgrades (version 1, 2, etc.) some of the actual distinguishing characteristics of the weapons was to me too minimal - been a while since I played either but off the top of my head a uranium cannon, beam cannon, and meson cannon were all very similar. The meson cannon was a little lighter, the uranium cannon required you to budget for ammunition (vs energy), and the beam weapon had a slight range advantage. Torpedo weapons were always better then missiles but the variances in Torpedo's too subtle of a nuance. I don't want to have to study weapons tables (Excel spreadsheets) looking for +1/-1 calculations - just think the advantage/disadvantage of one or the other should be more well defined for building and strategy.