Originally Posted by iCaMpWiThAWP
15cm things have too few ammo to make an impact(especially if you only have 1 or 2) and having ammo carriers around for them would be the path to overkill...
True, they only get 25 HE rounds (later changed to 20 HE and 5 HEAT), which means you only get so many salvoes before needing ammo resupply. But they are still quite potent against on-board artillery (at least if not dug in).
From 1940 onwards there is also a self-propelled version available, but it comes with even less ammunition.
Another interesting artillery piece in the early war is the 10.5 cm recoilless rifle (available for FJg from June 1940 onwards). It has a powerful HEAT round for anti-tank work, and can also be used for indirect fire with the same effect as a mortar. Drawback is again the limited ammo supply. But these can be a ton of fun to play around with, based on my experience.