Dear winSP community,
Do you consider it cheating to use the new, much more accurate and therefore useful (suppresive) z-fire on old scenarios that were no doubt created before z-fire became usefull? I typically lay smoke or hide behind trees/buildings and use one of my unseen units (usually infantry) to spray the the accurate (although not the very deadly in the least
) blind fire until the enemy unit is routed (usually only takes 6x4+6x4 for even the most hardy enemy unit to reach rout/retreat).
I'm wondering if using the new super z-fire with my hidden units on old scenarios is making the unretrofitted scenarios too easy. You can rout any unit by just hiding even the most green of infantry units behind a smokescreen or tree or house (although houses seem to reduce z-fire range significantly) and after achieving retreat/rout status then proceed to move right up to the unit and waste it.
I would be grateful for any opinions.