This is starting to get old; it's now DID's turn.
Went to look in on the Defense Industry Daily (DID) site today as they normally take a two week holiday this time of year. This site was indispensable to me and to anyone else that might've used this site for equipment submissions, modification and OOB inclusion as countries bought/sold equipment. It's not hopeless but, it doesn't look good either. I believe a lot of equipment got into or modified because of this site; it was always a single source mufti-referenced (Within the articles.) source. I've emailed to determine the future ability to access at least the archived articles, when I know something, you'll know ASAP upon me receiving any feedback.
Scroll down for article.
"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton
"Ex communi periculo, fraternitas" - My career long mentor and current friend -QMCM/SS M. Moher USN Ret..