Originally Posted by Wiking
... I've noticed that OOB35 tends to generate Denmark battlezones against most opponents (as I kind of expected, I figured there's some kind of hardcoding going on there). ... sometimes it actually will say "Denmark" and instead I actually get what I would expect: a Middle East battle zone or a South-East Asian one. It seems to work "properly" most of the time, but I have had occasions where we're in the desert and the Germans are still wearing their "normal" paint schemes instead of their "Tropical" ones. I'm not sure there's much you can do about this but I thought I'd mention it.
I believe you are right. Only thing I can suggest is using OOB44 from May 49 onwards as a starting OOB - purchasing units from 35 as allies or captured - to get a bit more variety.
Originally Posted by Wiking
My ultimate point is that I feel like as long as there is some moderation on the player's part, they will feel sufficently challenged. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that losing even one or two tanks can bleed you a ton of points.
Agreed. Of course if the player wants to play with the super heavies he can but he has also to be aware that they are not exactly meant to be the main-stay of the Panzer arm.
Originally Posted by Wiking
I have had some weirdness with the 8cm half-track mortars seeming to have a deadzone or being otherwise unresponsive to bombardment orders, I'm wondering if it is related to the halftrack not having the mortar as the first weapon.
Will take a look myself. Sounds like a mistake on my part.
Originally Posted by Wiking
I thought it was very curious that the Buffalo + APC can apparently fire its ATGM's as a cluster munition? Could you explain that a little better perhaps?.
Also sounds like a mistake. Looking into it.
Originally Posted by Wiking
One last thing about infantry; did you omit the second LMG from Panzergrenadiers for a reason? I was curious if you had a doctrinal reason you feel that practice would be abandoned after WW2. I don't think the Bundeswehr does it but that's a very different beast than this continuation. I know US Army mech infantry do have 2x SAW's.
Good question. Will get back to you on that.