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Old December 14th, 2003, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by primitive:
Originally posted by Loser:

*Loser looks forward, especially, to replies from Rex, Oleg, and The Primitive One.*
Thank you

Congrats on catching him alive, well done.

You don't have me down as a Saddam lover, do you ? He is a SOB and a war criminal and deserves everyting he got coming.

However: I think catching him alive now is not a good sign for GWB. Dead it would have been a clean victory, alive he will only help bring the focus back to GWBs lying and cheating during the buildup to the war. I predict once the first celebrations are over, GWB will face renewed attention from the media regarding the missing WMDs and the big contracts awarded to his friends. Weather it's enough to throw the election or not; we can only hope (or not ).

Feel free to throw this back in my face in 6 months time if I'm wrong

Dow is back over 10K; this will have more influence on the elections than catching Saddom. If the economy continues to improve and the recent trend of tech jobs returning to the states continues, then he will have a good chance of being reelected. If the problems in Iraq decrease, and the economy continues to improve, congress will turn to health care and reexamining free trade. A few changes on those fronts and he is again a tuff candidate to beat.

Think about it
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Old December 14th, 2003, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

What Saddom has to say during his interrogation could disrupt the governments of several countries. If he is the man (coward) that I think he is, he will tell all. I doubt that France, Germany and Russia are looking forward to these revelations. They backed a despot and now they will probably suffer some tarnished reputations because of it. Germany and Russia will lay most of it at the feet of previous administrations, but it could cause a change of leadership in France.

Think about it
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Old December 14th, 2003, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Thermodyne is about right. People tend to vote with their wallets. What sort of factor Iraq is in next year's U.S. election depends largely on the length and size of the occupation.
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Old December 14th, 2003, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by CNCRaymond:
Could someone please explain to me why they think what GWB did was bad?
- Wasting the total and blind sympathy to USA after 09/11 toward worldwide antipathy today.
- Lying about the goals of the second Iraqi war.

In my book, that is enought to write him as an idiot. However, millions of humans who suffered under Saddam will praise this event and be right to do so.
So despite our political differences, let's just rejoice of the arrest of that human beast.
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Old December 14th, 2003, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by Thermodyne:
What Saddom has to say during his interrogation could disrupt the governments of several countries. If he is the man (coward) that I think he is, he will tell all. I doubt that France, Germany and Russia are looking forward to these revelations. They backed a despot and now they will probably suffer some tarnished reputations because of it. Germany and Russia will lay most of it at the feet of previous administrations, but it could cause a change of leadership in France.

No more that Rumsfield.
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Old December 14th, 2003, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by CNCRaymond:
He looks a lot like that mad scientist from the Black Hole. You know, the one who killed the crew and turned the survivors into machines then plunged the Cyngus into the black hole thus destroying her.
LMAO. He does look like Dr. Hanz Reinhart!
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Old December 14th, 2003, 07:57 PM

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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by Loser:

*Loser looks forward, especially, to replies from Rex, Oleg, and The Primitive One.*
When Bush Lied people died.

[ December 14, 2003, 17:59: Message edited by: rextorres ]
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Old December 14th, 2003, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by rextorres:
When Bush Lied people died.
How quaint.

Perhaps you could rack up what you believe are the deaths caused by Bush? (caveat, Gulf War II does NOT count as it was merely the wrap-up of Gulf War I, his father's war, and had to be fought under any circumstances)

Then compare that total to the millions of dead that are undisputably culpable to Sodamn Insane (Iraqis, Kurds, Iranians, Gulf War soldiers of all countries).

Game, set, and match for the Butcher of Baghdad.
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Old December 14th, 2003, 08:28 PM

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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

All I can say it's funny how some people - all of sudden - seem to care about the poor Iraqis.

Where were all these same people during Rwanda, Haiti and Kosovo. They were busy criticizing Clinton for nation building.

As far as I know the war was about WMD. And not about gving my tax dollars to Cheney's chronies at Haliburton.

[ December 14, 2003, 18:34: Message edited by: rextorres ]
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Old December 14th, 2003, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: OT: Saddam Hussein Arrested

Originally posted by Loser:
*Loser looks forward, especially, to replies from Rex, Oleg, and The Primitive One.*
I'm happy he is caught. Once US started the war it is imperative to finish it as soon as possible and as few casualties as feasiable.

My critisism was always to the war itself that was illegal, unjustified and directly against US and Europe interests. Saddam had no WMD whatsoever and in fact was a bastion against islamic fanatics. I have no idea what will heapen in Iraq and really hope it will emerge as a secular and democratic country. However, it seems more likely to become a violent antiamerican theocracy.

[ December 14, 2003, 18:51: Message edited by: oleg ]
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