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Old August 9th, 2004, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

The full game with fatherland file has been recieved. We have checked for gem usage inconsistencies. Here are some numbers.


Summoned commanders (cost in gems):
4 Wraith Senator (100 D)
3 Spectator (36 D)
46 Dusk Elders (920 D)
- 2 empowered 1 step (60)
- 1 empowered 2 steps (75)
- 2 empowered in new paths (100)
27 Spectral Mages (270 D)
- 2 empowered from 2 to 3 (90 D)
3 Wraith Consuls (105 D)
2 Bane Lords (10 D)
2 Queen of Elemental Air (100 A)

This sums up to
1531 Death gems
100 Air gems
135 gems for empowerment

Norfleet the Ghost King - F4A5W4E4D5N3 (?)

Some items:
- 9 Wraith swords, 3 standard of damned (150 D * 0.75)
- 18 Dwarven Hammers
- 35 Clams
- no fever fetishes at a quick glance (one being made)

Gem income: 55 (15 Death) + 35 clam pearls

Sorceresses: none


Regarding Raven Feast. sqrt(unburied)/3 = gems.
Thus 14.400 unburied (pop loss of 144.000) needed for 40 death gems.

Keep further discussions on the matter civil, please.
Old August 9th, 2004, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

Old August 9th, 2004, 04:52 PM

Cohen Cohen is offline
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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

Isn't 325 gems of Empowerment and not 135 ???

After, I didn't understood very well the formula for Raven Feast, even if I've done some trials.

May Illwinter Staff tells us the results of the check of unconsistencies?
- Cohen
- The Paladin of the Lost Causes
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Old August 9th, 2004, 05:26 PM
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Default Norfleet\'s Ermor in Tournament game - exposed!

All right guys.

Time to tell the truth.

Each and every word that Norfleet have uttered in this thread was a lie. We have iron proof of it.

Norfleet has somehow managed to cheat in out tournament game. Cheated HUGE way. His gem counts are beyond wildest dreams.

But he had made three fatal mistakes, that were his undoing. He should never play with graphs turned ON (and he almost never does, now we know why). He should not be *that* greedy when cheating. And he forgot that we have Master Password ON in this game. (actually I forgot about it myself originally ). But after Last turn, when he demonstrated small glimpse at his gem count, and I have become very suspicious, we all (5 other nations) agreed that the game is lost and we are ready to admit defeat. So we have looked in his file to make sure that there is nothing fishy there. What we discovered was absolutely struggling.

In this MP game, with regular settings, Ermor's file shows that he at this moment, by turn 23, he verifiably has 4861 gems worth of summons, gems and equipments!!!

He has almost 850 none-death gems in his treasury alone, while having virtually no regular gem income whatsoever. (He currently has 36 none death income this turn, and he had ZERO no-death income 7 turns ago). And no, they are not Astral and has nothing to do with his Clams, since he only have grand total 24 of them, and making them 6 clams per turn atm )

Kristoffer's numbers are correct but not complete. The total numbers are much higher.

I have spend 4 hours analyzing Norfleet's file *very* carefully and I have double checking everything, when we got this file few days ago. Mose had made a copy of this file, in case Norfleet will try to "hack" it once again and he send it to Illwinter. Here is the complete breakdown of most important numbers for you:

At this moment, on turn 23, Norfleet verifiably has:

2890 gems worth of none-death gems in equipments, summons, treasury.

That includes: 1395 gems worth of none-death equipments, 875 none-death gems in Gem Vault, 100 gems in summons (2 AQs), 270 none-death gems worth of Empowering Dusk Elders (empowering: 2x30 Earth, 50 Nature, 80 Air, 30 Astral, 50 gems of unknown none-death type), 250 gems for casting 10 Archaic Records (only for the Last 7 turns, you can guess why ). Up until 7 turns ago, he had ZERO none death gems income, and only had death income from his capital

At this moment, on turn 23, Norfleet verifiably has:

1956 gems worth of death gems in equipments, summons, treasury.

That includes: 1705 death gems in summons, including:

46 Dusk Elders
28 Spectral Mages
7 Wraith Senators
3 Wraith Councils
1 Wraith Centurion
13 Shadow Tributes
5 Spectators
2 Banelords

Other death gems usages verifiably visible from Ermor's file are: 225 death gems in equipment, 26 death gems in vault, 15 death spells casted this turn (3xArouse Hungers). total death count is 1956, by turn 23. Total death gem income on turn 23 is +15, out of each +10 was from his capital. He didn't even bother to search any of his lands for death gems, until 7 turns ago, when he started to try to cover his trails, to avoid looking too suspicious to other players.

Together it is 2890 none death gems and 1956 death gems by turn 23, grand total 4861 gems. And this is only things visible and verifiable now from his file during this current turn.

His grand total gem income on this turn 23, is +36 in no death gems, +15 death income(including +10 from his capital). 7 turns ago, and for the first 15 turns of this game, he had ZERO none capital regular income. And he currently has 24 clams on his commanders. It is very obvious he started making them 4 turns ago (he made 6 this turn). You can guess why .

In all his "explanations" above, Norfleet lied through the roof.

Norfleet has paid for 26 castles (450 GP each, 23 labs, 23 temples, total 20900 GP worth of buildings by turn 23.) His average monthly income for this game was 200 GP per turn.

Few more points, although they are completely unnecessary of course. He does have 19(!) Dwarven Hammers though, on turn 23. He also have at least 200 more earth gems worth of empowering Earth and , total 600+ Earth gems alone. His grand total earth income for the duration of the game is 18 Earth gems [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] (he currently has +5 Earth income, and had zero 7 turns ago)

His grand total gem income for the duration of the game, from all magic sites was 346 gems. Of this he only "officially" had 126 none death income, grand total That leaves 2890 - 126 = 2764 None death gems totally unexplained. His 24 clams, even if he had them all on turn 1, could only produce 528 astral gems. He had no other item or creature related sources of gems.

He also has no sites that give any type of bonus, for forging or for magic schools.

Norfleet said he used fetishes to fund his Castle/building construction, worth 20900 gold.
He has ZERO fetishes.

Norfleet said he got his Death gems by using his Raven Feasts with his A4 Sorceresses.
He has ZERO Sorceresses, A4 or any other types.

I can go on and on for a long time, but that's enough.

You now has the numbers now.

At this moment, turn 23, Ermor has *at least* 4515 gems completely unaccounted for. (4861-346). That's 205 "extra" gems per turn, for first 22 turn.

I am not even talking of 900 "bonus" gold per turn, for 22 turns.

He has only ONE mage capable of casting Raven Feasts.
Most of these "bonus" gems are NOT death gems. He has practically no gem income, very few clams, zero fetishes, zero blood stone gems, zero bonus sites.

All I can say we are very lucky that we have discovered this thing so early, on turn 23. In 40 more turns it would be almost impossible to proof, and most of you would say " Oh yeah, that's just Stormbinder accursing Norfleet of cheating once again", “Oh well, that’s just a sore loser syndrom” Just like Cainehill already managed to do even on this thread…

Also we are very lucky that this time Norfleet was forced to play with graphs, which he always said he hates (surprise!) , that he forgot that we have master password and that he didn't expect the game to be finished so early. I also what to thank Archaeolept for giving me idea about master password, after Norfleet refused to show us his file, to Cohen for sharing master password with us and contacting Mose, to Mose for all he have done to help us expose this ugly cheating, to Illwinter to taking the matter very seriously and posting the results here and to Zen for allowing to keep this thread on the board despite his initial suspicions.

I have promised I'll keep it to pure numbers. Now you have all numbers I can give to you. You do the thinking.

With best regards,
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Old August 9th, 2004, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

yes, well.

I guess I can't say its much of a surprise. just a bit sad.
Old August 9th, 2004, 06:32 PM

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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

The real truth is stranger than the cover, and by far less plausible. I wouldn't believe it myself, and it's not something I control. Suffice it to say I am leaving Dominions II, as no explanation is going to satisfy you.

Old August 9th, 2004, 06:37 PM

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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

The real truth is stranger than the cover, and by far less plausible. I wouldn't believe it myself, and it's not something I control. Suffice it to say I am leaving Dominions II, as no explanation is going to satisfy you.
Oh, you tease. Now everyone's all curious.
Old August 9th, 2004, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

people seem remarkably unconcerned about this
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Old August 9th, 2004, 06:57 PM

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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

Many people suspected Norfleet of cheating already. In my case, I only played one game with him (he set off the cheat detection, heh). So whether he was cheating or not didn't bother me much.

One way or another, it's not a surprise to very many people that would be upset by it.
Old August 9th, 2004, 07:11 PM

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Default Re: Ermor in Battlefield 2nd Tournament game

That was an entirely unrelated glitch. However, since Stormbind is having such a bLast, I'll just set my avatar up so he can laugh all he wants. I won't be around to care anyway.
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