I admit I had been hoarding blood to spend on mass blood summons when I eventually hit Blood 9... so really this has been a golden opportunity for me.
The reqs for ice devil summons are easy to reach when you have a bunch of CMs with blood, and reqs for arch devil is not much harder, and I had enough blood that I was willing to have a few summons fail and not be too upset about it.
Quite the windfall for me, and totally unexpected that no-one else seems to have capitalized on the situation to summon some of them! I thought I would get a few on the first round of summoning (2 ice and 1 archie), I thought for sure most would fail the 2nd turn of summoning (another 2 ice and 1 archie), and frankly, the 3rd turn I tried for an archie completely on a lark and, amazingly, I got it!!
So... mea cupla...

the devils work for me now