Make Organic Armor generate at least a small amount of supplies by solar generation. Isn't it plausible that
organic armor could have this capability? Photosynthesis and all that?

It would be 'in character' for organic tech and would complement the Ordnance Vat very nicely.
Also, I've been thinking about damage types. Why do we have only these cleanly defined 'technical' damage types? Should a given weapon damage all types of shields or all types of armor in exactly the same degree? How about we have some 'natural' damage types?
I thought of this as I was contemplating the Acid Globule weapons. Acid would be a devastating weapon against plain metal armor, but probably less effective against other organic armored ships, and possibly ineffective against crystalline armor. Don't they store acid in glass containers? So, "Acid Damage" would be 2X against standard, emissive, and scattering armor, normal against organic armor, and 1/2 or perhaps none against crystalline armor.
Similarly, plain old 'Capital Ship Missiles' use a nuclear warhead. The huge flash / EMP from a nuclear warhead in space should do more damage to shields than a plain old particle beam. So maybe there should be 'nuclear explosive' damage that does 120 percent or 150 percent damage to shields and normal damage to armor/components? It also would be much more powerful in planetary bombardment than particle beams, so the population killed should also be ramped up for 'nuclear' damage types.
And there is my original request for a damage type, armor piercing for the 'DUC' because that's what Depleted Uranium is all about.

This should also vary by the type or armor. Maybe 50 percent or more penetration for metal armors, organic is hard to say -- more or less? hmm.... -- but crystalline would probably be no penetration at all, just extra damage.
Just some thoughts. I haven't played SE in months and my imagination has started to work on the virtual universe again.