I am surely going to write some AAR. But it will take some time to make screenshots, look at old turns etc. I can also pack all my turns files, if it can be done easily, so everybody could take a look.
General history of my nation:
- I got good borders through diplomacy, about 25 provs without fighting
- I had early fights with MA Atlantis, let's call it a draw
- I got enough peace to get really good gem income and get a lead with research, even with Drain 2
- my first war [with MA Caelum] started around turn 25-30, when I already had Tomb Oracles
- I put Forge of the Ancients up for 2 turns [dispeled it myself to not get too much attention] and forged 90% of artifacts
- there were some possible plans to attack Helheim, but I had MA Atlantis behind me and I had no idea what to expect from him, so he became my target
- MA Atlantis was winning with LA Pangaea, so finishing off LA Pan was an obvious choice, after MA Atlantis was killed [and LA Pan had 3 caps]
- with the change of Helheim player and dom spread started by previous one, my plan to attack him became real
- war with Helheim was very swift - there was no resistance, so I grabbed EA TC cap without problem, also most of his lands [with the help of my ally TNN]
- meanwhile I conquered EA Marverni from MA Arco [that went AI]
- plans to storm EA Helheim cap were postponed by Mictlan going AI [probably because of that armageddon spam?], I shifted my forces to grab as much Mictlan land as possible, before Lanka does it
- and after that I decided that it's good time to try teleport grab remaining VPs, so I took my chances and it worked
I also got gem donations from various nations - more details in coming [tomorrow] Thank You post