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April 5th, 2009, 09:35 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
1) experience is gained by participating in battles. Simply being in the core will allow some exp gain provided nothing nasty happens to a unit.
2) Night has zip-zero to do with counter battery.
3) The Poles do not have large amounts of armour to soak up points, even with the too-heavy allocation of armour the AI gets even before tank heavy. So if you have a large points value against them then they will have a larger remaining point value each time through the purchase loop. So the artillery buy in the loop has more chance of buying a battalion and not a battery on each pass, if (or even if) the other large ticket item (A tank coy, rarer for Poles in 39) is not bought. My guess is the AI purchase loop decided on an arty bn buy several times in your game - which is rare but not impossible.
Easy peasy way to check the Polish buy
a) figure out how many points you actually spent
b) set that in preferences
c) set Ge vs PO in the correct date
d) generate the appropriate battle (and visibility) with computer purchase for BOTH sides and human deploy for the AI side about 50 times. Examine the AI buy each time. Fleet buying of artillery bns will be rare, but not impossible.

April 6th, 2009, 04:47 AM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
...............or buy a Steel Umbrella!!! 
Sorry could not resist!!
Bob out 

April 6th, 2009, 10:01 AM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Originally Posted by Charles22
What did the AI pick? 60 75mm guns, only four of which were onboard. There was some other artillery but I didn't bother counting them.
The guns are what mostly gets me here, as having that many guns going off gets to be a real nuisance irrespective of what damage it may cause, but this battle also rather epitomized how lopsided things can often get in favor of the AI. In most situations at this close range (7 max) my AFV's would very often not hit on the first shot (probably 80% misses), while the Polish ones did, often destroying, with something close to a 50% ratio. For a couple of times I noticed the percentage on one of my tanks,
EVERY year the AI hands a player a hard time it's "suggested" the AI has an advantage. It's a regular event right along with us saying it doesn't get one so I won't bother saying it again
So, the AI picked 60 guns. Is there a save game ?? We always ask so is there one ? Without a save game so we can see what the AI picked and where on the pick list it was chosen we couldn't possibly guess what may or may not have gone on or if perhaps there is a problem with the way the pick is coded. The picklist for the AI is set up so there are always random variables otherwise it would be the same thing over and over and over and over and sometimes, as "luck" would have it, there may be the computer equivalent of rolling snake-eyes three or four times in a row and the little bits of code in the picklist that says...... "Buy this or that or in 10 chances out of 99 buy this AND that just to keep people on their toes" kicks in and then seemingly odd things happen
A save game of that 60 gun game would be nice to see

April 6th, 2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
I’m sorry if it was unclear on a couple of things.
Number 1.
Originally Posted by Charles22
I can't make heads or tails of your observation. I can't see how 3 units attacking in any form would split 9 ways experience gain.
Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
If I attack each unit with three of my own
meaning that I have three units for every one unit of the enemy. 3 enemies X 3 units of mine = 9 total of mine units.
Number 2.
Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
You mentioned cutting back in France, do you indent to delete your lowest experienced units?(spelling fixed)
I made this comment based on the your comment, quoted below.
Originally Posted by Charles22
I'm not interested in keeping my core smaller until France.
I was curious about how you decide to make your core smaller. I appeared to me that you might start with a large core, see who gets the most experience over the course of several battles and then delete the formations that did not progress. This would leave you with a selection of the most experienced units to take into France. If you have no desire to subtract units from your core, the misunderstanding is all mine.
Thank you for your comments. As I mentioned before, I don’t know all the ways that units get experience. What I do know is that units receive experience for moving, shooting and killing, and thanks to Andy, being in the core. My thought was this – if you have a large number of units in your core, some of them may not do as much moving, shooting and killing as others and consequently gain little experience. If those units didn’t exist (i.e. do to a smaller core), the experience they WOULD HAVE gained by moving, shooting and killing might end up going to other units, increasing their experience further then it might have been otherwise. I believe that my biggest mistake in understanding experience is that I subconsciously thought that there was a finite amount of experience in any given battle. If that were the case, then the more units you have, the less experience they could get. Since this is not the case, I stand corrected.
"Charlie may be dancing the foxtrot, but I'm not going to stand around wearing a dress"
Howard Tayer

April 6th, 2009, 05:10 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Its all making it very gamey why not just buy what you want & be done with it this has all been discused to death previously & as Germans you do not need to worry about gaining exp much till mid late war when your exp starts to drop.

April 6th, 2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Originally Posted by Imp
Its all making it very gamey why not just buy what you want & be done with it this has all been discused to death previously & as Germans you do not need to worry about gaining exp much till mid late war when your exp starts to drop.
Not everyone plays this game for historical accuracy/battle simulation and that is perfectly OK in my opinion. Some people play to win with no holds barred including being gamey. Imp, you have progressed to the point you are not interested solely in winning but rather in having a good time while by being historical, give others a chance to reach your level and you will be amazed how their viewpoint changes.

April 6th, 2009, 06:22 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Originally Posted by DRG
"Buy this or that or in 10 chances out of 99 buy this AND that just to keep people on their toes" kicks in and then seemingly odd things happen
Which is one of the really neat things about this game, it's nearly as unpredictable as real life is, and I'm glad for it.

April 6th, 2009, 06:59 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Not everyone plays this game for historical accuracy/battle simulation and that is perfectly OK in my opinion. Some people play to win with no holds barred including being gamey. Imp, you have progressed to the point you are not interested solely in winning but rather in having a good time while by being historical, give others a chance to reach your level and you will be amazed how their viewpoint changes.
What I was trying to say is you guys are getting bogged down in the fine details probably spending ages trying to pick the best force you can. Why not pick what you fancy playing with historical or not & yes I do normally go roughly historical because its an all threats force though just been playing with SAS & dune buggies for a laugh.
Yes a totaly duff force purchase will cause problems but so long as your armour can destroy his you should be okay. Improving your tactics by playing the game will pay far more dividends than spending time deciding whether to buy regular troops or marines etc & not buying the same force all the time will help further.

April 6th, 2009, 10:17 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
RAMM: Thanks. I have often thought along the same lines regarding counter-battery artillery, but I have had these 100mm guns in games a long time, and at least in 39-40, out-range all guns, or at least equal them. They certainly out-range the polish 75mm, and as I have seen them go off before against far fewer guns, with far less turns having passed, I find it very surprising, whether there's truly a random factor there or not (and I can't imagine why there wouldn't be) that they would have such an enormous amount of opportunities here amd not go off in this case, so I have to resort to the lack of visibility theory.

April 6th, 2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: Don't Feel Sorry For The AI
Originally Posted by Mobhack
1) experience is gained by participating in battles. Simply being in the core will allow some exp gain provided nothing nasty happens to a unit.
2) Night has zip-zero to do with counter battery.
3) The Poles do not have large amounts of armour to soak up points, even with the too-heavy allocation of armour the AI gets even before tank heavy. So if you have a large points value against them then they will have a larger remaining point value each time through the purchase loop. So the artillery buy in the loop has more chance of buying a battalion and not a battery on each pass, if (or even if) the other large ticket item (A tank coy, rarer for Poles in 39) is not bought. My guess is the AI purchase loop decided on an arty bn buy several times in your game - which is rare but not impossible.
Easy peasy way to check the Polish buy
a) figure out how many points you actually spent
b) set that in preferences
c) set Ge vs PO in the correct date
d) generate the appropriate battle (and visibility) with computer purchase for BOTH sides and human deploy for the AI side about 50 times. Examine the AI buy each time. Fleet buying of artillery bns will be rare, but not impossible.
2. Interesting, as the screen looks the same compared to day battles, it did not occur to me that it might be a night mission, but rather a heavy storm with fog perhaps.
3. Yes, that has been my observation too, that guns of this magnitude are rare, but then polish advances are probably pretty rare as well. They have been rare for me anyway.
Yes, polish advances are fairly rare, but either that or polish assaults, which I don't think I have ever seen, would be the ones most likely to bring the hail of excess artillery. The majority of missions in poland are either german offensive ones or meeting engagements, any of which would make polish heavy artillery such as in this battle virtually impossible with the points my force had (can't be more than 3600-3800 by now, including minimal support).
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