Originally Posted by Dragar
Chris - how do you get an awake phoenix expanding early? I only manage to get them working well as dormant so they pop out with Alt 3
Phoenix under CBM returns almost to the status it had in Dom2 (or was it 1) where it was one of my favorite chassis.
If you are not fighting archers, set the phoenix up far front with orders to holdx5. When he blows up he will kill most around him.
with the hold x5 you will usually get 3, and sometimes 4 explosions. Kills most provinces, before he exhausts. If you set him with ancient ones, hold troops to the rear with guard commander orders; his commander hold x5 attack... the explosions do not do enough damage to kill ancient ones so you can expand this way almost indefinitely.
*IF* you face archers, orders are air shield, attack archers.