
April 20th, 2010, 12:49 AM
Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Wow, I was just making some rather light hearted assertions, but I see that you take my thesis rather seriously...but really, who are you trying to kid?
That research lead? Yeah. We had to research fricking Ench 9 to cast Thetis Blessing to stop you from winning. Yeah, we've got a lot of research, but much of it was spent accomplishing silly things.
So you have researched ench 9 AND construction 8, are you trying to strengthen my argument, or did that just slip out?
Our vaunted gem income? Mostly F. Seriously. Oh, it burns, it BURNS! (Literally!)
Haha, I guess we should all just take your word for it....
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
What? Nehekhara threatening? Ha!
And as to three capitals, well, it was either let you keep it (and thus have 3 capitals), let Vanheim take it (and thus have 3 capitals), or I took it (and thus had 3 capitals). So someone had to have 3 capitals. On the plus side, I have few neighbors, am at peace with 2 of them, and thus you know exactly where the next capital I can aim for without causing a political incident is. So I am by far the safest owner of 3 capitals in the game, because my options are the most limited.
Any rational player will see your warmongering for what it is - a shameless attempt to reclaim your third capital and make another play for a 4th one.
Yes, its true I had capitals, but I never even came close to taking Shinuyama - we were fighting a brutal war though, so I'm sure he was happy for your help- and I certainly never made a "play" for it.
YOU, on the other hand, now have three capitals AND :
Ench 9
The highest research lead by FAR
the highest GEM income
A powerful land army and a large border with three other nations.
Any rational player can see that you just want everyone to look the other way while you build up your forces for a quick dash to Vanheim, Arco, Shinuyama or my own capital.
In fact, its quite easy to see that you are the most dangerous nation to have 3 caps and I don't need to call it shameless to make that point. 

April 20th, 2010, 01:05 AM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Ench 9 was obvious from having cast Thetis's Blessing. Everyone knew that already.
Similarly, my large F income is obvious because of the Pillar of Fire global.
I mean, its not like i've been making any statements that aren't independently verifiable.
My research lead isn't that big when you figure a lot of that lead was spent on crap like Ench 9. I mean, I'm not *that* far ahead of, say, you.
I should also note that you demonstrably have Conj 8, which I do not. Heck, you may well have Conj 9. Speaking of guilty consciences, your quip about tarts might be revealing of your own motives, eh?
And making a quick dash for the capital of nations I have standing treaties with? Ha! Nothing quick about that. I, sir, am a man... err... well-embalmed corpse of my word.

April 20th, 2010, 03:04 AM
Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Too true, these are all more or less verifiable facts.
I justed wanted to list them in one place to make the situation very clear.
You can downplay ench-9 all you want, but being the first to artifacts and being able to get the best is a game-changer. Which is why you don't mention that in your retorts.
Also you're research lead isn't getting any smaller, not for most nations.
I have no death magic and as everyone probably knows, my pretender doesn't have ANY magic, so no, I can't pursue a tartarian strat.
Anyway, I think we've laid the facts pretty bare. True gentlemen can decide for themselves what the best course of action is.

April 20th, 2010, 04:39 AM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Originally Posted by Grijalva
You can downplay ench-9 all you want, but being the first to artifacts and being able to get the best is a game-changer. Which is why you don't mention that in your retorts.
Someone else is already to artifacts as well. Its not like I'm the only one. I don't know who it is, but I am quite capable of noticing when stuff is already forged, and that I didn't make it.

April 20th, 2010, 06:45 AM
Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Someone else is already to artifacts as well. Its not like I'm the only one. I don't know who it is, but I am quite capable of noticing when stuff is already forged, and that I didn't make it.
Ha, that would be funny if it was me.
Sadly, no...

April 30th, 2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
I have ROTC basically all weekend (31-32), so if it would be possible to make sure I don't stale that would be great.

April 30th, 2010, 04:30 AM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Originally Posted by Trumanator
I have ROTC basically all weekend (31-32), so if it would be possible to make sure I don't stale that would be great.
Sure, I'll keep an eye on the game.

May 7th, 2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Brettonia has a serious staling problem. Is it time to look for a substitute?

May 7th, 2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Brettonia has a serious staling problem. Is it time to look for a substitute?
I'll try to contact Alpine Joe first. If I don't get a response saturday, I'll start the search for a sub.

May 7th, 2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game
Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Brettonia has a serious staling problem. Is it time to look for a substitute?
I'll try to contact Alpine Joe first. If I don't get a response saturday, I'll start the search for a sub.
I'm in the game and still ready to play. The hosting just happens to occur during my sleeping time, and while I have the turn ready, I always wait to send it in because I am in the middle of war....I honestly have every turn completed, then wake up and realize I never sent it in. On the same note, would it be possible to slightly increase the hosting interval?
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