Originally Posted by Suhiir
Not useless ... just not worth the unit cost 
Off topic but I would disagree with that statement.
Used piecemeal they are no good I never purchase Air unless I can have a minimum of 6 planes. 8-10 & a SEAD section now we are talking.
1) Cost of plane is generally cheaper than a MBT
2) Decent AAA is expensive & vulnerable, ground battle is easier due to build points used towards it, if they haven't got much Wahooo decimation ensues.
3) Makes the ground battle far easier
a) Restricts operations as air threat has to be allowed for.
b) Gives you battlefield information you would never have had.
c) Combined arms the plane normally stands a lot less chance of getting hit than my armor.
I just did this 4 planes attacked a MBT company followed by 3 MBT opening up on suppressed targets. Outcome 1 plane down 1 damaged 1 MBT destroyed - 9 tanks & several APC destroyed before smoke hindered play. My low MBT losses were due to suppression of enemy forces & knowing exactly where they were.
4) For overkill once you manage to drain/destroy most AAA bring out the scout helo,
in my view game changers due to the battlefield info they gather so don't be impatient & use it in a rich AAA environment.
Air assets are therefore worth a lot more than simply the units they destroy.
One final point if the AAA is very effective against the air it probably cost more than them to. Add up your AAA assets if your talking radar or even decent MANPADS they are not cheap.
You cut your losses by giving up buying say an additional platoon of MBTs or an additional rifle company.