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Old January 28th, 2022, 06:40 PM

Mr_Bill_5000 Mr_Bill_5000 is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

Reference "Battle In East Ukraine" (2022 Updated version), I have the following additional notes to provide (I would have put them in the scenario notes, but those are already long enough...)

(1.) The map has a few patches of Mud terrain in it. Watch out for these; there is nothing so annoying as getting your T-90M (or Oplot) stuck in the mud, miles behind the battle line, just sitting there impotently waiting out the rest of the battle. (Trust me... it WILL happen.)

(2.) Both sides should treat the other side's infantry Chemical teams (anyone with a flame rocket weapon) with the greatest respect. I'm not sure exactly what the game mechanic is for this, but from what I have seen, about one in four direct hits from this kind of weapon can actually kill an otherwise very well-protected main battle tank (!).

(3.) As far as man-portable (unguided) anti-tank rockets are concerned, players will find that the RPG-18s, Mulhas, Nettos and so on, are basically useless against the frontal armor of tanks of both sides. However, some of the other such weapons, notably the "Vampir", are very definitely capable of knocking out even a modern tank, for example with a shot to the front hull. Also, the "Vampir" seems to be significantly more accurate than the other ones, in the 3 to 8 hex range... so if you see an infantry unit armed with this thing, steer clear of it!

(4.) Don't forget that even a hand grenade can immobilize a tank. The chances of this happening are obviously quite low... but they're more than "zero", so watch out!

(5.) Particularly as the Ukrainians, you will have a very difficult set of decisions to make regarding use of your ATGMs. These (even, sort of, the Javelin) have next to no chance against the frontal defences of modern Russian tanks; however, remember that every VIRSS or CIWS shot used to negate an ATGM attack, is one less available to that tank. So "strategy #1" is to fire off enough ATGMs to use up all the target's active defence shots; then, go for the kill either with another ATGM or an airstrike (or, of course, a helicopter-fired ATGM). However there also is a "strategy #2". This is to avoid firing ATGMs against enemy tanks if you can possibly avoid having to do so (sometimes you can't), and instead use your missiles primarily against soft-skinned enemy units like APCs and so on. The choice is up to you.

(6.) For the Ukrainians, I believe the only really viable strategy is to race forward toward the center of the map, seize as much as you can of the victory hexes around "Krasina Works" (and the other similar areas to its north and south) and then fight tenaciously for every inch of ground, from that point on. You have to do this mainly because the terrain further to the west is much more open than what's in the center of the map... which is bad news if your units get caught out in the open, they will be sitting ducks to Russian artillery, airstrikes and long-range weapons.

(7.) I mentioned this in the scenario notes but it bears repeating : as the Ukrainians, expect to take a TERRIBLE pounding from the significantly superior Russian air force. Try to take this in stride; there is basically next to nothing that you can do about it, and (I believe) it very accurately reflects the actual force balance on the battlefield today. The fact is that the Russian air force is vastly improved compared to its state even 10 years ago... this is very evident in how the scenario will play itself out.

(8.) Given the force balances, I would suggest that anything less than a "Marginal Victory" (for the Russians) should be considered a loss, whereas a "Draw" for the Ukrainians should be considered a "Marginal Victory" and a "Marginal Victory" (as judged by SPMBT) should be considered a "Full Victory". In practise, due to the extreme lethality of modern weapons, it will likely be extremely difficult for either side (even the Russians) to win a "Decisive Victory" as the game evaluates it.

To sum up... I hope you like the scenario! Let's also hope that it remains just that (a hypothetical wargame scenario), as opposed to a foretaste of the real thing. Wars, though fun to simulate, are anything BUT "fun", in real life.

Mr. Bill
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Old March 7th, 2022, 11:06 PM

Mr_Bill_5000 Mr_Bill_5000 is offline
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

"The Outskirts of Mykolaiev"

A Steel Panthers MBT Scenario (Slot #551 in the "Scenarios" list)

Location : Small town of Mykolaiev'ske just SE of Mykolaiev, Ukraine (small map), March 2022.

Battle Type : Russia (east) Advance vs. Ukraine (west) Delay.

Setting : Forward elements of Russian South Front battle forces, trying to cut off Ukraine's Black Sea coast from the rest of the country, try to take this small town, which is right on the way to the larger city of Mykolaiev (formerly Russian Nikolaev).

As most of Ukraine's conventional army has had to be retained to defend the Kyiv / Kharkiv front up north, local Ukrainian infantry forces -- supplemented by a rag-tag force of Ukrainian "Territorial Guard" and "Foreign Legion" units -- attempts to hold off the advancing Russians as long as possible.

For more of a challenge, I suggest that you play the Ukrainian side, although the scenario has been play-tested and is winnable as either side, with the caveat that a "Draw" based on points score should be counted as a "Marginal Victory" for the Ukrainians. Make sure to read the scenario notes, they are extensive!

And let's all hope for a speedy and just end to this conflict. Far too many innocent people have died in it, already. War ain't a game, unfortunately.


Mr. Bill
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Old March 8th, 2022, 07:56 AM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

I will be interested in any feedback on how this plays

A new addition to both games this year is something I have long wanted and that is to have accurate information about actually total "troop strength" This report appears when you purchase units for a scenario, campaign or generated battle

While the unit cost for the Russian forces vs Ukrainian is 8922/3415

The resulting troop strength for both sides is identical which is quite a feat to have done that without planning to

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"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old July 7th, 2022, 05:44 PM

Mr_Bill_5000 Mr_Bill_5000 is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

"Ukraine / Russia : NATO Intervenes!"

A Steel Panthers MBT Scenario (Slot #0554 in the "Scenarios" list)

Location : Fictionalized town and surrounding terrain in Western Ukraine, Late Summer 2022.

Battle Type : Russia (east) Assault vs. Ukraine (west) Defend.

Setting : Forward elements of Russian mechanized battle forces, try to take a well-defended town in wooded terrain.

Ukraine's forces are a combination of regular army and "Territorial Guard" and "Foreign Legion" units; they're heavily outnumbered and out-gunned at first... although there are rumours that NATO is about to intervene, and come to the rescue! The Ukrainian commander must hold the town at all costs (while eliminating as many of the invading Russian "Orcs" as they can), as well as trying to avoid being outflanked to the north and south.

Russia begins with a significant advantage in almost everything except manpower; but a wise Russian commander will conserve his forces as much as possible, just in case the NATO warmongers in fact do show up on the battlefield, later on.

Both sides should be very careful not to deploy their forces (particularly AFVs) in concentrations that make a tempting artillery target; there's nothing like "having half a Tank Company, wiped out in one cluster round attack" to ruin your day.

For more of a challenge, I suggest that you play the Ukrainian side, although the scenario has been play-tested and is winnable as either side, with the caveat that a "Draw" based on points score should be counted as a "Marginal Victory" for the Ukrainians.

Make sure to read the scenario notes, they are extensive!

(Note : In reality, a situation like this would inherently have a very high risk of escalation to the use of nuclear weapons; so let's hope that it just remains a wargame scenario and does not predict future events.)


Mr. Bill
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Old October 21st, 2022, 11:28 PM

Akmatov Akmatov is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

" In reality, a situation like this would inherently have a very high risk of escalation to the use of nuclear weapons" Why?
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Old October 30th, 2022, 10:52 PM

sporadic -Z sporadic -Z is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

i got my workstation back up with a huge TV monitor so i made an update to an old map of mine. it's a meeting engagement in a 200X160 set in 2012.
a bunch of loaded vehicles ready to go to battle over 21 victory hexes.
it's utterly self explanatory and made for fun tactical gameplay.
unzips to scenario 600. you know the drill.
enjoy and thanks. the game plays great fullscreen.
i finally kicked for the CD and glad of it.
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Old November 24th, 2022, 03:46 PM

sporadic -Z sporadic -Z is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

Scenario: This is Particle Keep 2022. It's a meeting engagement and island conquest in one scenario.
America VS Russia in a huge map. 200X160 with 21 Victory hexes to battle over.
This scenario provides no strike elements but lots of loaded transports and some observation helicopters.
There are just a few heavy tanks per side and some lighter armor. There are some hovercraft loaded up and ready to invade but be careful!
They can be fragile and painful to lose fully loaded. I made this scenario heavy on reinforcements, so keep an eye out.
The Russian forces outweigh the Americans but the tanks seem invulnerable so justify the additions.
If one side seems to easy, try the other.
The rest is self explanatory, just take as many hexes as you can manage in 60 turns.
Get your ATGM units in quick and watch for precision OB Artillery reinforcements. The modern weapons make for some surprising losses.
This map was made with extreme topology and really tests the fields of fire so check the unit views often.
Vis is 70 and weather is clear.
Enjoy the huge map, and thanks. This one was made for fun tactics.
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Old January 1st, 2023, 04:24 PM

sporadic -Z sporadic -Z is offline
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

Here is another scenario for the new year.
This is Wine Country 2022 a meeting engagement in a 200X160 map. U.S.A. Vs Russia.
There are 21 (V)ictory hexes to battle over in a huge map. The sides are fairly even and the modern weapons make
for some brutal gameplay in this map of varied terrain. Each side get strike elements that reinforce later in the game.
Each side gets unassigned airdrops available later in the game, so keep an eye out and select drop zones.
Since the map is so large, loaded heavy helocopters are available on turn 1 to mix it up quick. Choose your drops wisely.
There is no AA on the ground but precision OB artillery is reinforced mid game.
60 turns and vis is 70. This map has lots of hills so check the unit views often.
This scenario was made for fun tactical gameplay.
unzips to scenario 601. thanks and enjoy! Happy New Year.
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Old January 29th, 2023, 07:04 PM
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Unhappy Re: SCENARIOS!

The scenario Battle in the East 2022 is unwinnable by Ukraine. AD for Ukraine is useless. Hordes of Russians everywhere & you don't have enough troop transports to get where you need to be. Just my opinion 🙄
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Old May 12th, 2023, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: SCENARIOS!

2nd Fallugah
Date: November 2004
Battle Type: USMC assault vs. Mujahideen defend

The killing of five American soldiers in Habbaniyah followed days later by the death and mutilation of four Blackwater military contractors in Fallugah led to moral outrage in the United States. Operation Vigilant Resolve (April 2004) was intended to pacify the city of Fallugah. Afterwards the city was transferred to the control of the Iraqi Fallugh Brigade.

By November the number of insurgents in the city had more then doubled.

The Marines staged ammunition, fuel, and other supplies in the area; launched a series of feints and raids intended to test the enemy’s capabilities, identify their command and control nodes, and gather intelligence. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) monitored the city 24 hours a day, watching as insurgents reinforced positions, set mines and IEDs, and stockpiled weapons in homes and mosques. They also saw a precision air strike on insurgent fortifications set off not only a series of explosions from a daisy-chained improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along a primary road but also a series of explosions in the adjoining streets as well.

Marine Public Affairs conducted an information campaign arguing that the insurgent presence and activities kept locals from receiving humanitarian aid, halted the restoration of essential services and investment that wouldrevitalize the city. To counter al-Qaeda’s claims that precision attacks killed only innocent noncombatants the Marines broadcast information about what the attacks had targeted and why.

By the end of October, the cumulative effects of ongoing operations and Public Affairs had convinced the majority of Fallujah’s population to leave the city. The Marines believed there were fewer than 500 civilians remaining in the city. And 3,500 to 5,000 insurgents. Intelligence also concluded that 33 of 72 mosques were used by insurgents to conduct meetings, store weapons and ammunition, interrogate and torture kidnap victims, and conduct Sharia court sessions.

Two US Army armored battalions and an armored brigade reinforced the 1st Marine Division. And were used primarily to seal off the city and prevent insurgents from fleeing and reinforce the insurgents’ belief that the attack would come from the south.

The Marines asked for assurance from the Iraqi prime minister that he would not suspend the assault once it had begun. "Don’t think about calling us and telling us to stop, because once we get going, we’re not gonna stop ’til we hit the southern end of the town.

At 1900 November 8th 2004, under the cover of darkness and amid pouring rain, the 1st Marine Division began its assault of Fallujah.
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Last edited by Suhiir; May 12th, 2023 at 09:25 PM..
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