Dom3 DB: Weapons, Armor & Magic Items
All right, folks!
First installment of the DB after the previously released forts and poptypes.
This is just a partial version and subject to revision, but it should help people get started. The weapons list is complete. The armor list is incomplete, because it is impossible to assign armor by the id number so I had no way to find out some of the armor names toward the end.
Gandalf, you need to do a new string dump from the armor list, the old one's missing far too many.
The item database is very preliminary and does not list non-forgeable items except for the Sun Shield. Only item numbers, names, research level and primary and secondary path requirements are listed. The rest will follow some day, but this should be some help to modders.
Oh, and the file is in Open Office spreadsheet format. If you do not have Open Office, do NOT come crying to me, because I will forthwith tell you to sod off in very explicit terms. The DB is work enough that I cannot be bothered with providing separate file formats for people who use different software than I do.
In case anyone is wondering about the very narrow empty columns, those are there to deal with a very annoying format overflow bug in Open Office, namely that the data formatting of the previous column will overflow into the next if the values in the cells are effectively the same (e.g. a column having percentage data and a value of 0% in the cell and the next column is pure numbers with value of 0, the number cell will show value of 0%). The empty column is the only way to work around it.
DB file attached.