In playing SP games, I've noticed that the AI really doesn't build or conjure up many specialty units. I'd like to see the Ai build more Bemeaths, Elephants, angels etc. I think this would make SP play a lot more fun and probably a little harder as well. In D2, the ai seemed to build/conjure more then in D3. In D3 i've seen some elephants once in awhile but only in very small groups and a few other special units but not in quanity. But, why can't it build 15-20 of them or bemeths in some of their armies or Iron Dragons, Stone Gargoyls, and many others in decent amounts?. This would make for a tougher game. In additon I would like to see Helheim go back to the way it was before the patch. It was a lot tougher when it could build its special units in all their forts. I know this would hurt multiplayer games but maybe they could restrict it to only SP play?? Like most games, multiplayer has a direct affect on SP play and sometimes it takes strength away from SP play. Maybe restrictions on certain units or whatever in multiplayer vs sp in order to keep sp a little tougher. Oh well, just my 2 cents. Its a fun and additive game