Is magic worth it?!?
Hi guys,
I've played around 5-6 single player games so I guess i am still fairly new... but one thing I've unfortunately found in each game I've played is how LITTLE magic actually affects the outcomes of my battles...
I just can't figure out what I'm missing? In almost every single fight its the number and quality of troops that ensure victory... my mages just seem to soak up resources and don't really do much..
For example I am playing a Late age game with Arcoscephale and I cannot for the life of me see any spells that are going to be real game turners...
Could someone please tell me I am wrong and explain to me what spells with Arcoscephale will really make me whoop some butt in the fights?
I've tried casting the vine line of spells and they frequently aren't in range or don't hit, same thing with slime. Don't really have any nukes that do much more than hit 1 target.. big whoop I'd rather have 1 calvary unit than any one of my casters...
I just don't see how spells that at most affect 1 square which I believe it 3 targets, can affect the outcome of battles that are already having close to 100 enemy troops..
thanks in advance for the thoughts!