There is an exhaustive list of acronyms in the printed manual. Also, on the CD, there is a pdf Version of the FM 101-5-1, the Army's dictionary for acronyms and terms. You can get it straight from the Army at:
As for artillery ordinance, the help file (hit F1 during game play) covers the basics, but here is a short list:
DPICM-An artillery round with small submunitions inside. Good for armor or dismounts.
HE-High explosive. Good for dismounts.
BBDPICM (Base Burn Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions)-A long range DPICM round.
HERAP (High Explosive Rocket-Assisted Projectile)-Long range HE.
Copperhead/PGM-Laser guided artillery. Requires a FIST-V, OH-58D, or COLT within 3-5 km of the target to lase.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have anymore questions.