Hrm.. sorya newb trying TCP/IP allready searched
Ver. 1.67 gold TCP/IP games
Neither of us can connect to each other via TCP/IP. We are both behind firewalls (linksys cable/DSL router-switch) but have the DMZ host set up. No ports are closed. I know that the source IP is supposed to be MY WAN IP address. NOT the default address the game gives me. (((BTW !!!! winipcfg does NOT NOT NOT give you your WAN (correct) ip address if you are behind a firewall .I kept seeing people tell newbs otherwise and defend it. Go into your firewall to get the WAN IP.)))
Anyhow..I type in my WAN ip as the source and my friends WAN ip as the host but we can not seem to connect at all to each other. Question does the host have to give the game a name? What else does the host HAVE to do to set up a game. We thought set up as simultanious on seperate computers as pretty much it.
BTW again AOE2 allways gives the local ip and NOT the WAN ip as your current ip when you host a game. But people that join typing ing your WAN ip will find your game and be able to join.
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