
August 10th, 2004, 02:29 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
What about a temporary warp point creator, it would be a rather cheap component that would create a warp point but would collapse as soon as one ship got threw, And have another one that would allow a single fleet to get threw and then collapse and it would need to be repaired after use, this would make you have to have support ships for fleets that would need to be protected 

August 10th, 2004, 02:45 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
I like Colonels idea mainly for the fact that it would be great for the inevitable SEV Babylon 5 Mod
Tempoary warp points, One Way Warp Points and such, More options for modders 

August 10th, 2004, 04:02 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
Tempoary warp points, One Way Warp Points and such, More options for modders
You know you can create one way warp points in maps i tend to this by accient, when i forget to add both sides of the warp point  but anyways

August 10th, 2004, 11:37 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
something i'd like to see is components/ cargo that can explode if the component cargo is destroyed. that way missiles in a magazine can blow the whole ship up if hit.
Also I'd like to see infinitely moddable levels of ship layers like an onion. layer 1 components would get hit first , layer two components later, all the way to the inner core layer x components. Ships could thus be modded in layers with tonnage sige divided in percents by ship class. Spherical ships would have more inner components than say elongated ships. weapons systems with armor penetration could be designed to skip x number of layers (or less or random).
Plus it would also be nice if certain weapon systems didn't have to be upgraded, such as missile launchers and gun components, but damage and range would be determined by their ammunition, thus providing two research streams, launchers and ammunition.
Lastly it would be nice if the targeting priorities of weapon system could be expanded. ie missile components would target ships but could be switched to point defence fire if required or desired.
i dont know but what do you think ? it should be programmable, moddable.
from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my Last breath at thee
Herman Melville Moby Dick Alas, poor Yorick!--I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

August 11th, 2004, 02:23 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
Another thing from the SE4-planning days: Techs with "ors" and maybe even "nots" as well as "ands" in their prerequisites - so maybe you need either Particle Physics or Wave Mechanics to get EM Radar (I seem to recall posting a similar example a few years ago when SE4 was in development <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ), or you can either research The Light Side Of The Force or The Dark Side Of The Force, but once you research one, you can't get the other! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
With some modifications (random tech selection), this could grow into fully chaotic research tree
Personal request:
* Missiles should be fully mountable.
* Mounts should affect all abilities: sheild regeneration, suuply generation, research points generation, etc.

August 11th, 2004, 10:15 PM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
Yes, but say I give you a check for 1 million galaxy Credits (Good in all empires in the galaxy )to help you. What are you going to spend it on. Will you buy resources or ships I, or another ally, could have given you, or will you use the check to buy stuff from your own people which as Emperor you could just take anyway. Money isn't just a piece of paper (or electronic credit) we all agree is worth something. Money is a guarantee that the piece of paper etc is worth part of the governments wealth. In the olden days (things were better then ) the standard was gold, and what is gold but a mineral resource. Why introduce an unnecesary element?.
Hehe - Money isn't an unnecessary element. It's crucial. One of the reasons Communist Russia fell and why a large portion of its military has defected or is sitting rotting in dry dock. As a communist empire, they didn't feel the need to pay for unnecessary things like resources or soldiers wages. So things fell apart.
Rome also ran on money. It's an excellent lubricant for the Empire. It provides an easy way to keep the local govenors inline and a way to bribe those who you want over on your side or to provide you with information.
Look at *any* successful empire (including modern day U.S.) and you will find a vibrant monetary and economic system in place. Without it, things don't run.
Furthermore, I think it would be interesting if each of the empires in the game had their own currency, the value of which would be based on their gross production output or a combination of populace happiness plus productivity. That way, you would have true economic powers (like you do today) as opposed to military powers.
I think something akin to that would add another level to the game.
Of course, as with the rest of the options, it would be able to be turned off for those of us who have the need to just blow the hell out of their neighbor
Okay, back to work.
~Shane Watson
A.K.A. Oregano
Yup, I designed the facilities for SE IV <img border=0 title= alt=[Big Grin] src=biggrin.gif /]

August 12th, 2004, 03:59 AM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
SE:V requests... I'm sure these have been mentioned before but I'll just say em again. Before I start, I've only been on the SE:IV scene for... one week lol. The below suggestions are more related to my general observations of the game compared to current games... if you want SE:V to be more than a patched Version of SE:IV, I think you got to "popularize" it... but despite the old farts (j/k lol) saying what this will do to gameplay, I think it is still possible to preserve gameplay and make the game more attractive and accessible... If SE is ever to come out of its niche market and attract a general following... anyway these will be controversal suggestions that will probably not be accepted, and I will probably be flamed for this, but here it goes.
* 3D engine. SE:V does not have to turn into a RTS, but you should see 3D models superimposed on a background when viewing a specific system... and be able to travel through the system and click on planets ala homeworld would be nice, but maybe going overboard... have a highlighting option so small planets are not hard to see (in the 3D mode) ... fleets could be represented by the actual static 3D models... It does not have to be cutting edge graphics, but at least get rid of static camera angles... perhaps the two-dimensional overlay could be maintained, or even superimposed on a 3D viewscreen... for example, when you click on a planet on the grid map, the main background of the screen changes to a 3D view of the planet. The customizability of this 3D image for mods, etc could be maintained through a scripting language...
* make races come more "alive"... sounds, graphics, images, 3D customizable races similar to the current MMORPG thing where you can customize your character... you can make races come more alive without sacrificing customizability... like, you could have a screen when a player chooses a new race, he could rotate a 3D model around and choose which features to add/subtract... similar in sports games where you can customize the look of your character. Also have something where you can choose the voice of your race, and perhaps have diplomatic interactions between "talking heads"... customizability could be also maintained through downloads of new race voices, new 3D models for races, etc... and of course if you do a good job in the first place, the number of permutations for the look of your race should be endless... 3 tentacles? 2 eyes? body armor? green skin? pink skin? patterened skin?
* centralized server, sort of like Battle.net, where you log on with no hassles and are able to start games hassle free. You could maintain the PBW and PBEM features, but on the central server you could have blitz games or quick games. At the very *least*, you should implement a timer for in between turns.
Anyway. If the game is just going to be a rework of SE:IV, then so be it. But I'm of the opinion (and probably part of a small minority) that appreciates the incredible depth of SE:IV, but believes that it is possible to make it more accessible and asthetically pleasing without sacrificing gameplay.
IMO, you should throw out the 2D engine, and work with a 3D engine or get a license for one. (Wonder if Shrapnel Games could afford that lol) Just like Starcraft is the pinnacle of 2D Real-Time-Strategy gameplay and Fallout 2 the pinnacle of 2D isometric turn-based roleplaying, it looks like SE:IV is the pinnacle of 4x turn-based strategy. The only thing left to do is to do something truly innovative, like combine cutting edge graphics and customizability with the depth of SE:IV.
Now that would be something.
I'm ready for the flaming =D

August 12th, 2004, 04:59 AM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
SEIV will be using the 3d engine of Starfury.
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August 12th, 2004, 05:24 AM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
Also have something where you can choose the voice of your race, and perhaps have diplomatic interactions between "talking heads".
(+ various other suggestions for eye-candy)
ALl very cute, and it would be nice to look at, but Malfador's resources are limited and I would much rather that the hours and hours of coding time that went into your graphical upgrades were spent on differences that will actually *matter*.
People have suggested before now some kind of AI plug-in, that lets people code their own AIs in real programming Languages and then plug the compiled results into the game. Maybe similar plug ins could be used to allow the kinds of cosmetic uprgades suggested in the quoted post..?

August 12th, 2004, 07:10 AM
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Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List
im sure there will be more work done on patches and that once the game is out - and im sure MM will do what they did with SE4 and make big changes to each patch as each patch is brought out - once the game is out feedback can come in and aaron can make regular patches based upon said feedback.
I guess though that for the time being getting the game coded well on the basics - a big factor is getting the combat featuers worked out - 3d is a big jump
Rejigging the strategies aspect and even giving scrips and allowing the AI to learn how to play the player against the human ? - i know this is being attempted with c-evo project the AI there is well developed.
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