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Old December 4th, 2005, 09:30 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

I'd be willing to try a map Alneyan and Geo referred to.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old December 5th, 2005, 02:45 PM

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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

Sounds good to me as well! Love to have some moons! They are verrrry handy for ship training! heh heh!
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Old December 5th, 2005, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

Alneyan said:
Does this quadrant increase the number of planets (and moons)?

It wouldn't be FQM if it did not.

Alneyan said:
I think it might also increase the number of damaging wormholes and their harshness (if I understand my system data files right).

The game host could eliminate that by either:
1) temporarily replacing all occurences of "Unstable Warp Point" with "Normal Warp Point" in SystemTypes.txt- thusly eliminating all WPs with abilities.
2) setting the chance for Sector - Damage and Warp Point - Turbulence abilities in the "Unstable Warp Point" entry in StellarAbilityTypes.txt to 0 and increasing the chance for Ability 24 by whatever the sum of those ability chances was.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

Do you want a full-fledged FQM map (more planets around, and various moons), or a milder map with Paradise characteristics? (No empty systems and no damaging wormholes, but everything else as default)

I can do either without any difficulty, along with pre-set starting points. I cannot check for balance, though: all I can say is that you won't start next to each other.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 07:13 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

Alneyan said:
Do you want a full-fledged FQM map (more planets around, and various moons), or a milder map with Paradise characteristics? (No empty systems and no damaging wormholes, but everything else as default)

I can do either without any difficulty, along with pre-set starting points. I cannot check for balance, though: all I can say is that you won't start next to each other.
I guess I don't really care...once we agreed on luck being thrown into the planetary setup, spending extra time tweaking this or that would seem to be a waste of your time. I'll roll up some empire tonight and you can roll up a galaxy tomorrow and get this thing started.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old December 6th, 2005, 02:50 PM

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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the \"King of the Hi

Soundsa good to me!

Empire uploaded
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Old December 6th, 2005, 05:34 PM
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Default The Book of the Kingdom of the Hill, cont\'d

The long awaited...

often imitated...

never duplicated...

hope I don't get constipated...

Update to the Book of the Kingdom of Hill!

Here we go... I've included the old chapters for those that haven't been around a while, but I bolded the new stuff:

The Book of the Kingdom of the Hill

In the beginning the hill was dark and chaos reigned and all were embroiled in petty wars about it's base and sides and none was worthy to sit upon the throne.

And by the by did two step forward and through the right of victory over their enemies did lay claim the right to the mantle of the King. And thus did Preacherman face Geoschmo on the field of battle, and thus was Preacheman victorius and took his rightful place on the throne and Geoschmo was cast off into utter darkness.

And so Preacherman was the first true King and his reign was one of peace and light and all was well in the Kingdom of the Hill.

And by the by the good King Preacherman did grow old and feeble from lack of challenge, so that when a the Mighty Stone Mill finally rose from the depths of the Hill he slew good King Preacheman with his sword and a twist of his hips.

And Stone Mill the magnificent took his place upon the throne and was crowned the second King. And he looked upon his Kingdom and said, "Thank you, Thank you verra much."

And thus all was well in the Kingdom of the Hill and all it's citizens lived in safety for Stone Mill the Magnificent was a mighty warrior. Three times did challengers rise to face the Stoney one, and three times did he slay them all in their course.

Asmala the Wise, 1FSTCAT the Brave, and RexTorres the Strong did all seek the throne, and all were denied in turn for Stone Mill was truly the King.

But by and by did the King grow fond of looking at himself in the mirror and practicing his snarl and eating the royal peanut butter and nanner sandwiches.

And thus did a new challenger come from the Northlands. One who was a king in his own right in the land of his birth and born and bred to the task of fighting. And thus did Rollo raise his sword up to smite King Stone Mill. And as King Stone Mill lifted himself from his throne to face the challenge of Rollo, he did by and by slip on a nanner peel and was slain.

And thus did Rollo the Fearsome become the third King. And all was good in the Kingdom of the Hill, for Rollo had brought beer.

And Rollo did reign over the Kingdom of the Hill for the seasons that were appointed unto him. And the people of the hill were happy for the kegs that he did supply. But by and by there arose a challenger to the throne as Mark strode forth to try and claim the mantle of the King. And thusly did Rollo smite the challenger with a mighty thrust of his sword and the people rejoiced for they had discussed it and decided that "King Mark" did not quite have a regal sound to it.

But as quickly as Mark had been dispatched another challenger stepped forward. And he went by the name of RexTorres, which in the tongue of his forefathers is translated King, uh, Torres. And this brought forth anger in King Rollo that one should deign to go by the title that was only for he that sat on the throne of the hill, and they did clash.

For night after night did the battle rage as the people looked on. And when the smoke cleared there was a new King. Rollo did go out into the darkness to bind his wounds and ponder whether he would seek the throne another day. And thus did RexTorres the Strong ascend to the throne. And the people were satisfied for his name sounded suitably regal, but they mourned for there was no more free beer.

And verily did RexTorres look out over the hill and thus did a new challenger arise to face him. His name was Slynky the Quick, and he was clad from head to toe in shining armor and he raised his sword for to smite the King. But King Rex was a mighty warrior, and had grown fond of the throne and did not deign to give it up. And Rex and Slynky did battle, and in the end Slynky was defeated. And in the fight did Rex shred the armor of Slynky the Quick and broke his back in many places and smote him and he did fall down the hill, end over end. And the noise his armor did make and the appearance of him tumbling down the hill end over end was pleasing to the children of the kingdom, and thus was born a new toy consisting of a spring that would move as if walking down a hill, and thus it was named a Slinky, but that is a story for another book.

By and by did another challenger raise up to face King RexTorres. And he was a mysterious foe from the “Land of Too Many Consonants” named Bbgemott. And the battle was fierce and raged for many days and weeks. And there was much whining up and down the hill from those in waiting to take their shot at the throne. But the King and challenger did not trouble themselves with the inferior ones, and continued to fight, as was their right and duty. And in the end was King RexTorres slain and cast down to the bottom of the hill, and a new king was crowned. And thus did King Bbegemott the Mmightyy take his place on the throne of the hill, and the people were pleased, although they could not pronounce his name.

Annd lo ddidd the mmoodd of thhe ppeopple of thhe Kkingdomm of thhe Hhilll tturnn to vvexationn as thhe rule of Bbegemott thhe Mmightyy was hhardd. Fforr hhe llaidd ddownn mmanyy llawss of wwhichh the ppeopple were not ppleasedd, unttil at llastt he ddemandedd that all thhe names of the people shhouldd be cchangedd affterr thhe mmannerr of hhiss hhomelandd to bbeginn annd ennd wwithh ddoublle cconsonantss. So tthereforre ddidd thhe ppeopple ccryy out fforr a cchampionn and ffromm tthemm arrosse Asmala the Wise to sstandd up to Bbeegemott.

And verily did Asmala smite Bbegemott and take his place on the throne. So all across the land did the people rejoice, except for the printers of the moveable type, for they had already ordered extra consonants, and lo they could not get a refund.

The reign of Asmala was long, and though many challengers arose to face him, none could defeat him for, in addition to being wise, he was a mighty warrior, quite handsome of countenance, and exceedingly generous to the royal scribes in charge of writing the Book of the Kingdom of the Hill. Four times did Asmala face a pretender to his throne, and four times did he send them away in defeat and shame. Geoschmo the Weak, Spoon the Silver, Joachim(gezunteit), and Primitive the Loud, all in their course were soundly defeated by Asmala. And lo the people grew bored and wondered if Asmala would ever be defeated.

But all things come to an end, and thus by and by did a mysterious masked stranger step forward to try and claim the throne from King Asmala. The battle was fierce, as both warriors were obviously quite skilled, but in the end the masked stranger did prevail. At first the people rejoiced because they thought they had a new king, but then their rejoicing turned to disappointment as they realized the mysterious masked stranger was only RexTorres, he whom had been king before. And while the people had nothing personally against King Torres, they had kind of got their hopes up for something a little different. And though many people did wonder in their hearts why RexTorres had worn a mask, it surprisingly never came up in conversation and they felt a little awkward just coming flat out and asking about it.

And therefore did the day come when one would step forward to challenge King RexTorres to battle, for that is the way of the Kingdom of the Hill. So then did Master Belisarius rise up to face the king. Now Master Belisarius was one who was known to many as he had been a great master since days of the before time, when the Kingdom of the Hill had been known as the Land of Borg. He had been a mighty warrior in the Land of Borg, and had taught many in the Art of War. There was even a tale told that as a young man Belisarius had been a squire to the great Malfador himself, but this he would never confirm. So it was no great surprise when the Master dispatched RexTorres and took his place on the throne. And the people did rejoice.

And though did challengers arise to face the great Master Bellisarius, he dispatched them all in their times. First of them was Parabolize, the Quadratic who, while he was focused on the task, did not measure up to the Master. Then did Alneyan the Magnificent step forward to challenge the Master, and though he did go down before the Master Belisarius, by all accounts he did so magnificently.

But lo, just when the Belisarius did start to get comfortable with the throne on the Hill, there did arise a new challenger. For Slynky the Quick had returned, and the children of the Kingdom of the Hill were pleased for they wondered what new toy would be inspired by Slynkys demise this time. But to the surprise of the people of the Kingdom of the Hill, the Slynky one proved more than a match for the Master, and thus sent him back to the bottom of the hill and did take his place on the throne and was crowned, King Slynky.
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Old December 6th, 2005, 07:41 PM
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Default Re: The Book of the Kingdom of the Hill, cont\'d

*Wild Applause!*
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Old December 6th, 2005, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: The Book of the Kingdom of the Hill, cont\'d

I laughed! I *cried! It's **truely an ***epic!

* Well, not really.
** Ditto.
*** And ditto was his name-o.

But it is a good funny story.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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Old December 6th, 2005, 09:11 PM
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Default Re: The Book of the Kingdom of the Hill, cont\'d

Between this small tome below (?) and Geo's newest game idea, I'd say the old boy's got a bad case of the "urge to write" ( ). I can relate.

Anyway(s), Geo's "Book" is just about the best part of KotH...riding in a close second to winning ( ).
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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