Originally posted by tesco samoa:
isn't sector cloaking the same as droppin down the nebula.
Thats what I did when I wanted to obfuscate level 3 or greater
Actually no - This is almost like creating a storm in a sector, but as you probably know, storms with a planet doesnt obscure the planet they stack in the display when you select them. This component makes the entire SQUARE - where the planet, base, ship and anything in that Single square in the solar system like a storm, but because its a component and there is no small storm graphic, there is no stacking in the display window, so it appears cloaked!
the whole idea came about when I tried to create a solar system where nothing was visible - except the star and would require sensor technology to discover what planets were there. The problem was that the AI still tried to colonize the hidden planets -so I scrapped the idea and made it a component. I thought it would completely hide the entire solar system - it didnt! instead it acted as an advanced cloaking device - and hide my individual planet including the Base( that had the component) , and any vehicles that were in orbit.
[This message has been edited by AJC (edited 24 October 2001).]