
June 15th, 2007, 01:45 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
Sorry Kwok, if I repeat my question again but will your AI team mod patch be effective in an ongoing game or only for new games??
Wouldn't it be good if the anger level was also greatly influenced towards friendly by the AI team mod? As far as I understand the treaty elements are determined by the anger level and in the team mod a high level of cooperation treaty would be optimal.

June 15th, 2007, 02:07 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
The race is much smaller... I think my intel generation is over 500k. I stopped the sabotage because it was just too crippling to the AI... but oddly, the AI still successfully complete their own small intel projects against me with 70% of my points left to defense.
(Create Planet has failed twice on me during turn processing... I think the ship was left with zero movement points before the turn processing with just the create planet order left in the queue... it creates a planet but there is no planet afterward.)

June 15th, 2007, 04:56 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
Is leaky Intel maybe a bit too leaky?
I play a normal game and at least 4 or 5 intel projects break through my defense every turn.
This is a normal 1.08 game with all 13 empires known by me. My Intel points per turn are 3360, the other empires have 0, 0, 1220, 1230, 1360, 1770, 3050, 3180, 3515, 4655, 6420, 12265 points.
Is this by design?

June 15th, 2007, 05:33 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
If I do my turn in BM1.08 and our PBW game is BM1.06. What are the reprecussions of that?
My single player game is 1.08, but we are 1.06 PBW and i'm running only one copy of the game on my pc.

June 15th, 2007, 07:40 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
Romulus68 said:
If I do my turn in BM1.08 and our PBW game is BM1.06. What are the reprecussions of that?
My single player game is 1.08, but we are 1.06 PBW and i'm running only one copy of the game on my pc.
Actually, your game on PBW has been running 1.05. The version labelled on PBW as 1.05+ is still running 1.05. So if you've been ok using 1.06 and the server is running 1.05 it's possible that you using 1.08 when the server is using 1.05 will be ok too.
However, I'm loading 1.08 on the server soon, so it won't be a problem for long.
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June 15th, 2007, 10:53 PM
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Re: Balance Mod
geoschmo said:
Romulus68 said:
If I do my turn in BM1.08 and our PBW game is BM1.06. What are the reprecussions of that?
My single player game is 1.08, but we are 1.06 PBW and i'm running only one copy of the game on my pc.
Actually, your game on PBW has been running 1.05. The version labelled on PBW as 1.05+ is still running 1.05. So if you've been ok using 1.06 and the server is running 1.05 it's possible that you using 1.08 when the server is using 1.05 will be ok too.
However, I'm loading 1.08 on the server soon, so it won't be a problem for long.
wahoo on 1.08!
any ETA?

June 16th, 2007, 12:46 AM
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Re: Balance Mod
Romulus68 said:
wahoo on 1.08!
any ETA?
Yes, the mod is ready to go on PBW. You'll want to check with your game owner on the percise timing of upgrading in your game, but it's ready when he is.
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June 16th, 2007, 01:49 AM
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Re: Balance Mod
What exactly does it mean 'folder name 1.05+' for BM1.08? Is that anything I need to be concerned with as a game admin or as a player?

June 16th, 2007, 01:54 AM
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Re: Balance Mod
It essentially means a game started in v1.05 on PBW can be upgraded to v1.08.

June 16th, 2007, 08:45 AM
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Re: Balance Mod
Kwok I took your AI Politics Script file from version 1.08 and inserted this under the break treaty section:
// Don't break our treaty with AI players if we are using AI team mode
if (Sys_Is_Game_Using_Teams()) then
if (Sys_Empire_Politics_Is_Player_On_Our_Team(sys_lon g_Player_ID, plr_index)) then
set new_msg_type := 0
Recompiled the AI main script cfs file and replaced the old ones with it.
To my great joy after two turns all 10 AI empires had again treaties with all other AI empires!
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