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Old June 18th, 2007, 05:51 AM
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Hello, I'm 18-year old run-of-the-mill male geek from Finland (I don't like anime thought, ain't that knida odd for a modern geek?).

I got hooked up on Dominions 1, played it for 2 years. I tried to upgrade to Dominions 2, but the Demo wouldn't work on my computer so i had a small break.

Then, this spring I got a new computer and and happened to notice that Dominons 3 was already in sale! Imagine my joy when the demo rolled insanely smoothly on my computer. I said goodbye to my social life and ordered the damned thing. I'm itching to try out MP. People here seem quite mature and from what I've read on MP forums, people seem to even RP a bit when playing! It's simply freaking awesome!

The politics part of the MP also seems intresting. I simply love the Game of Thrones boardgame with its political backstabbing, I'm hoping that MP would be near it.

Anyways, enough ramblings. I gotta check if there's any open games in the MP forum.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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Old June 22nd, 2007, 04:04 PM
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Kristoffer O said:
> My 4 year old son wants to try the game out too!

He is very welcome! Unfortunately I only know kids of less than two and a half years, and they do not fully grasp the game yet. Otherwise we could set up a kiddos tornament
He will continue to watch for now, although he is having fun in the world editor. A kids tourney, they would probably come up with some awesome tactics.
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Old June 23rd, 2007, 03:50 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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I've just started a new game in the MP forum (called Chinchilla) for newish players - if any of you would like to try MP, please join!

Edit: Chinchilla's just filled up, so I've made an overspill game called SmokyBat - please sign up to that one!
LlamaServer FAQ
My mod nations: Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts
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Old June 23rd, 2007, 03:54 PM

JaghataiKhan JaghataiKhan is offline
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22 Year Old Turkish geek.

I started playing games when I was 4 years old with a Commodore 64 bought by relatives, and used the Turkish Manual to good use, changing the color of cursor, making small colorful animations etc.

At 8 years old, I had an Amiga 500, and played hundreds of games.

At 12 years old, I had my first PC, and again had limitless fun with it.

Computers are my lifeblood. As is the "Internets"...

My first REAL "strategery" game was at 9 years old, K240, a space colonization game. I learned to play it piecemeal piecemeal with a dictionary and its manual. But I succeeded, and managed to create a relatively stable economy in game and killed the first two alien races.

(I played simcity when I was 7 and played it fine enough)

K240 also granted me a basic grasp of English grammar. All Games are truly educational if they are played right and through, with the playing kid trying to learn all the words.

Since then, Strategy games are my beloved games. After all, you manage a colony/city/empire etc...

It is more fun than playing a single unrealistic hero killing hundreds of targets.

Well, until Command and Conquer came by. The damn game got so popular, but it also killed all innovation of RTS genre. Almost every damn RTS game was made in its image, being mere clones, so I lost all interest in new RTS's. I got a fancy on FRP games then, read LotR first, then Dragonlance next, Forgotten Realms all the least.They all improved my English vocabulary immensely,

Now I favor gameplay over graphics, and without further ado, came upon this gemstone of gaming.
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Old July 5th, 2007, 11:25 AM
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I'm some kind of a french,I'm 26, I am an 'assistant de direction' ( don't know how do you call that in engish),and I started playing dom3 only 6 months ago, a game which made me forgot civ and even the total war series.
I've seen great work on mods,bravo everyone.
Huh, should be talking of me..?
10 times more numerous, by nigth and backstabbing.

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Old July 5th, 2007, 02:38 PM
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The word you were looking for was "assistant director".

I believe that there is an organized, French-speaking fanbase for Dominions. You are welcome to take part in discussions here, but you might also want to check out this place:

There haven't been new posts since May, but someone there can probably direct you to a more active French forum.
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Old July 6th, 2007, 09:02 PM

Jerusaleman Jerusaleman is offline
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hello all

Nods to David Gemmell for my handle. I live in Cowboy Country , Western North Dakota, USA.

Been playing Dom 3 for a few months now, a few solo, a few multi-player games. Tried Dom 2's demo, but never did get it to work right on my old computer....

Anyway, I have a huge interest in History, and military history, and a solid background in Gaming as well. Dom 3 satisfies all three...
People are inherently stupid. You have to work to be intelligent.
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Old July 7th, 2007, 11:09 AM

kot23 kot23 is offline
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Hello everyone,

My name is Nick. I've been playing dominions 2 for some years and upgraded to Dom3 when it was released. I think the improvements are very good and the number of nations is... amazing!!

My favorite nation is EA Pangaea, I like the nature theme very much. When I want a solid & powerful game I choose EA Neifelheim, with W9N6 bless. I also like agartha's theme a lot, because i used to play the Nephilim RPG.

I have little experience with LA nations and multiplayer, because I can't spend even MORE time for Dominions3!!
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Old July 24th, 2007, 02:14 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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38 Year old counselor. American (Dont hold it against me please!!) in Phoenix AZ. Have been gaming since 12 with basic pink book D&D. Love stratagy and CRPGs Hate RTS MMOGs
Best games IMO- The Civ series, Master of magic (theres an old one for ya's ) Baldurs gate, Old gold box DnD,... stuff like that. Married to a lovely asian gal from Thailand (who unfortunately doesnt like gamein' "games are for children" ) And am looking forward to buying Dominions 3. Greetings all!!
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Old July 24th, 2007, 03:55 PM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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MoM fan? Welcome. Unfortunately, the last site dedicated to MoM died off a while ago. Though there are a couple of fan remakes and an unofficial rally point pushing for the production of a MoM2.
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