Re: OT: The Future of Computer Strategy Games
Sadly I believe that all aspects of computer gaming are doomed.
I firmly believe that the gaming market will continue to grow and expand more toward consul games and away from PC games as consul technology continues to improve.
I think the development of new PC type games, especially 4x and similar, has been back burnered for sometime now in favor of the development of new consul games. Regrettably, I don't see this ever changing for the betterment of PC games. In fact I think it is a safe assumption to say that the PC game market share is going to continue to dwindle and funds for development of new games are going to dry up to the point where we might, if we are lucky, see one or two new PC games every few years or so.
Everything runs it's course and there is no exception for PC games. Just look at what is being developed now and you can see that many PC game genera's have been retired in favor of twitch and shoot low brow type games of little to know imagination with absurdly stupid story lines geared toward the ever stupidly growing teenage gamer market and high school drop out 20 somethings who still live in their mothers basement playing games all day. Sadly the era of great PC gaming, and indeed great PC strategy games, have long since passed, replaced by sub-par imitations and countless remakes of old games.
When the bulk of the mmorpg market moves away from PC toward consul the final nails in the PC gaming industry will be driven in and the coffin lid of inspired and revolutionary personal computer games will be feared as closed for good.
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