Open a command prompt (cmd from the run dialog), and type these commands (where d is the letter of your CD drive):
dir /b
If you want to actually print it out on a printer, you'll need to redirect the output to a file. Assuming your account is "gregebowman" and you use xp/2k, something like this:
dir /b > "C:\Documents and Settings\gregebowman\Desktop\cd contents.txt"
That will create a text file on your desktop, which can subsequently be printed. (Alternatively you can just output to "C:\cd contents.txt" if its easier.)
Of course, if it is a music CD, all you will get is a list like "Track001" or whatever windows calls each track. In that case, you'll need to use a music player that can access freedb to fetch id3 tags, and ideally can then output file lists.