"Pulsating music, lots of horns and drums. The camera flies low over a barren landscape, strange animals roam the plains, small volcanos and tarpits are everywhere. Music rises to a crescendo, heavy chanting are added, as the camera takes a spin around a mud village where brute half-men dances around a bloodstained altar. Camera moves on to a half built (or half demolished) stone castle and flies in through an open hole in the wall, and comes to rest at a huge barbarian pacing the floor. Music toned down and fading to the sound of his steps."
For 11 months an impatient Primitive have paced the floor of his palace. A number of aides are running around taking care of more menial tasks, like research and colonizing the many available planets in the near vicinity. Scouts had been sent out in all directions, but as yet there is no sign of the upstart Lordling who challenged Primitives ambition to become the King.
"The sound of another set of steps can be heard, faster and lighter"
A messager have arrived:
- Primordial one, I bear good news. The enemy have been spotted at Last. The scout sent South and East have found two small enemy colonies in the Galgamis system.
With a mighty roar, Primitive calls for an assembly of the warriors at the Great Hall.
"Camera moves from warrior to warrior, each more brutish and dirtylooking than the previous one. Before it comes to rest on Primitive sitting on a throne."
- Make my warships ready, we leave at once.
"The hall goes suddenly silent, everybody looks embarrassedly away or down. Only a wizened little man with frizzy gray hair have the audacity to meet Primitves eyes."
- Councellor Grafenfelt, what causes this strange silence ?
- O magnificently unwashed one, may I complement you on your extra pungent body odor today.
- No sucking up you little weasel, answer my question.
- There are no warships. Greatest savage.
- NO SHIPS !!! And why is that so ?
- There has simply not been time, Rancid one. We have had all our shipyards building colonizers.
- Then build me some warships FAST, or I will cut your head off and display it on the tip of my rusty (yet pointy) spear. And make them big, with big guns.
- Ehh, Those new stains on your loincloth are very becoming…
- No stalling Grafenfelt. I want my ships NOW !!!!!
- Ahh, you see stutters the little man. We do not know how to build any warships yet. Our research have all been on other stuff, like mines and theoretical sciences.
- WHAT !!! MINES !!! That’s a cowards weapon, I’ll have your head….
Luckily for the poor councillor the exchange are disturbed by another messenger.
- The enemy are spotted in the west (turn 13).
Primitive VS Lord Chane. Turn 20
We had a 3 planet start. Started probably as far apart as possible, as we met on both sides of the galaxy at approximately the same time. Divided the universe equally between us, and we are now both laying mines to protect our holdings. Luckily I remembered to do the ritual sacrifice of a goat before the game, so I got an uncanny number of large breathables in my half of the universe. Hopefully Lord Chane doesn't know that trick as it have not reached the FAQ yet