I have plans for the entire tech tree system, TNZ hit on it a while back and I thought it was an excellent idea and I have taken it one step further.
More on this later, much later I am afraid.
The problem that I have now is this:
A. I can release the 1.4.0 Version, thus screwing up everyones games, or -
B. Sit on it and keep adding things. Most of what I have done are minor tweaks and cosmetic detail fixes.
I am opting to hold off on releasing the mod as I have more work, by that I mean more tweaking to do.
I want to finish the Klingon set, and then do a nice Romulan one as well. I really do hate the current Romulan set.
Don't get me wrong, BOTF was a damn fine game, and those images have served well for many years now, I know I captured them (SHhhhhhhhh), but I am ready for newer ones.
If any one would like to try and make new racial portraits for the mod that would be great.
Kwok had made a bajillion new planets for the mod, but unfortuneatly those images were lost.
Additionally, I have a revamp coming once the new Patch is out for SE IV. I will finally be able to use the ship classes, and only those ship classes, in the mod. This means I can cut a lot of fat off of the mod by ditching unused images from each race.
The questions do remain though, do we want to keep Carriers and fighters or get rid of them completely?
Right now if I were to die, the mod could be picked up by someone and continued on until SE V came out. So I don't worry much about things because no matter what I do, it can be fixed by others.