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Old July 26th, 2007, 11:34 AM

Fal Fal is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

The blind confidence of the barbarians makes us laugh, yes they have been able to capture a number of provinces with merely 5 PD in them, but don't assume ownership of these provinces yet. Ulm will be the next Abysia, and you will weep in the thunderstorms!! Tir na n'Og shall soon bring peace, culture and enternal youth to your unruly nation.

delenda est Ulm!!
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Old July 28th, 2007, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

Pangaea is under siege from the dreadful Giants of the North, and it and their scattered minions will soon fall to the wrath of Niefelheim.

And the treacherous Jarls who defected to Pan will be dealt with, most harshly, by my blood mages I think. They are quite adept at torture.

Except for Volsung. Can I have him back? Dude is a bad-***.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 09:30 PM

Fal Fal is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

Ha! good move Ulm. I knew I should have been more patient, you outmaneuvered me last turn and kill my mages one by one while they were sneaking . Again I was being too cleaver, together they were invincible, but I just couldn't resist the temptation of sneaking...

I will make some arrangements before I turn myself on AI in a few turns time, anyone interested in large amount of gems should contact me with a good reason.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 10:33 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

Uh... dude, I feel for you, Fal! That was so wrong, is that a bug? It seems like I should have faught all your sneaking guys at once, not individually. Very strange.

You are taking it very well, if I were you I would be screaming and ripping my hair out. That is quite some army you had, I would have liked to have seen our armies go at it all together. I'm not sure if it was invincible, but I certainly would have lost a ton, even if I won.

Should we report this as a bug? If there are multiple "caught sneakings" in the same province in the same turn, shouldn't they fight together?

To add insult to injury, Fal, all my guys gained like 3 stars because they won like 20 battles in that one turn.
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 07:47 AM

Fal Fal is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

I don't think it's meant to be a bug, I think sneaking commaders are discovered individually.

My original plan was to take out your PD with a smaller force while my mages are hidiing, while you break the siege next turn they will suddenly appear from nowhere to give you a nasty surprise. And if you didn't break siege I had six gate cleavers and a earth mage casting crumble so I could storm castle in one turn. But I didn't realise you'd move beforehand and patrol the province with your entire army

FYI, The army had 3 Air mage casting shimmering fields, 1 casting fog warrior, 1 will of fate, 8 for earthquake/rain of stones, 1 for army of lead, 1 for darkness, and 1 for the armor-destroying spell (forgot what's it called) and some other for antimagic, astral healing, transformation, warrior of neiflheim, etc etc. So unless you had fog warrior, your army shouldn't survive the 8 earthquakes, even then there were shimmering fields.

and now they are all gone, along with all their items and gems, oh fate how you mock me
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 10:10 AM

solo solo is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

Fal said:
I will make some arrangements before I turn myself on AI in a few turns time, anyone interested in large amount of gems should contact me with a good reason.
I am the one, of course!

My good reason: I have no sympathy for you regarding your recent defeat and the gems would help me gobble up your remaining provinces after you go AI. Also, I have wasted 12 air gems on 3 Rings of Tamed Lightning which I no longer need and deserve a refund!
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 10:46 AM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

I didn't patrol with my guys, apparently the game puts them on patrol automatically when two armies collide in a province with a castle (I was moving to attack at the same time you were). It was random I guess that the battle took place on my province, otherwise your sneaking guys would still be alive.
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 01:56 PM

Fal Fal is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

solo said:
Fal said:
I will make some arrangements before I turn myself on AI in a few turns time, anyone interested in large amount of gems should contact me with a good reason.
I am the one, of course!

My good reason: I have no sympathy for you regarding your recent defeat and the gems would help me gobble up your remaining provinces after you go AI. Also, I have wasted 12 air gems on 3 Rings of Tamed Lightning which I no longer need and deserve a refund!
I wonder how old is Solo....
well be careful I've not gone AI yet so you might still need those rings.
Oh btw I have a few Barrel of Air if anyone's interested. and sea king's goblets, free of charge.

CU, that was interesting, yeah so AI does put your defending forces on patrol if the battle takes place in your province well I learned something new today.
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

So who the hell is winning this game now? I'm totally confused. Wish we had some graphs. Who has the Eyes of God up? They need to post a screenshot of the world so we can get some kind of idea.
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 04:34 PM

CUnknown CUnknown is offline
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Default Re: Tir na n\'Og

Well, Tir still has a number of provinces. He could recover, I think, if Atlantis was totally evil and decided to backstab me before I could finish him off. (That would be so cool!) But, maybe it's best if he just gobbles up Tir's remaining provinces along with me. In that case, me (Ulm) and Atlantis would have a lead over the rest of the players.

But, I don't know, despite the beating you two up (Giants, Pangea) north have been dishing out to each other, I think you are both still competitive. And who knows about Helheim, I mean how long has he had Forge of the Ancients active?? That is usually considered a game-winner, right?

Does anyone know how Ctis is doing?
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