As I understand it, there are two methods for making captureable/stealable racial techs. Here is the easy one:
1) Set a prerequisite tech with a racial tech number. For example, Racial Organic Prereq with racial tech # of 5.
2) Set up a shared tech with no racial tech number
but a racial prerequisite tech. For example, Organic Technology with racial tech number set to 0 and prerequisite of Racial Organic Prereq level 1. Now this tech won't show up or be researchable unless someone has the racial prerequisite, but it can be analyzed for access to the same components (but not researched further).
You can also have captured racial techs be less powerful than the original Versions with a few more steps:
3) Create a non-racial tech area to parallel the racial prereq. For example, Boring Organic Prereq with racial tech of 0. This means anybody can research it (including organic racials, but why would they want to?).
4) Add the Racial Organic Prereq tech area as a requirement for all organic tech.
5) Copy/paste/edit a new (weaker) Version of the racial components, substituting the Boring Organic Prereq tech area for the Racial Organic Prereq in the weaker set of comps.
Now anyone who researches Boring Organic Prereq and stumbles upon a couple of Racial Organic ships can understand some of the technology and put it to use, though not to the extent that an organic race could.
Hope that helps make things clear as mud.