These are different than normal contrails,which evaporate in abit behind the jet. They spray it back and forth in straight lines. You can see the lines stop and start,turning the spray on and off. After some time the spray disperses into thin cloud layer. Why it's being done who can say but one thing is certain.
This is not normal.
I have no doubt of this & probably most for that day in one area & next day a diffrent one not spread across the sky in reasonable patterns like they would be if done on purpose.
So atmospherics or throttle adjustment causing a change in particulats.
I am no expert but my sisters husband is a micro biologist & 2 of his & my mates (more his) are particle physicists.
You want to talk about global warming, yes there are some problems might be a couple of biggies actualy but they are confident OK for the forseable future though if we have not done ourselves in it will of course eventualy get us when the big radiator in the sky starts heating up.
A couple of points if goverments were really worried about it & green house gasses are the cause.
1) The amount we produce is minute cant remember but like 0.5% of total so cutting in half might buy us a year.
2) The sea & standing water produce most of it in cloud formation while trying to protect the planet from the suns rays
3) Grazing animals next killing all the cows would be far more effective than producing clean fuels
4) Electric hydrogen cars etc unless power used to produce these is nuclear you just moved the source & made them less efficient.
5) Producing Batteries the stuff used for them is very hard to extract & causes huge enviromental damage (think equivalent to after effects of a nuke) so they should be banned not encouraged. Goodbye iPod mobile phones lap tops etc.
6) Mercedes Benz already built a steam car about 15 years ago, think supercar performance but you have to wait 2 minutes for it to build up pressure before you can drive off & no one wanted to set up water stations to run it on.
7) I could go on but think about point 1 if they are wrong & greenhouse gases are the cause what we are doing will make no diffrence a change of 0.2% realy is not going to do a lot. Global warming is a huge cash cow now a multi billion dollar industry & science needs a good cash injection because nearly all resources are running out not just oil so we need replacements.