hicksz I am very impressed with your method for adding sound to the game. Very impressed. We had dicussed adding taunts to the game before, but the size requirment of wav files made the concept a mute point.
However, I am amazed at how you pulled it off. Using a weapon with a custom sound is in and of itself brillant. It is so simple that it just floors me that no on else had considered it until now.
I have many Star Trek taunts from both Tribes and Tribes 2 sound packs, but again the size of the wav files makes the inclusion of them into the mod not likely.
However, a bonus pack, or addon taunt, music pack would be greatly appreciated by many of fans.
If taunts work the way they do in tribes, both parties must have the file. So any addon pack would have to add the new voice components to the END of the exsisting component list. I would also strongly suggest giving the component an AI_Tag number there for it can be included in the AI design, low priority.
I wish to explore this concept more, and I can not thank you enough to opening the door.
Great job.