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Old July 30th, 2004, 03:28 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Originally posted by gregebowman:
That's strange. It only takes about a minute or two to process my turns. I play single player, and keep to the default settings. Maybe it's because I usually don't get to meet all of the other races before I either get bored or a new mod comes out and I try that one. But I don't ever recall a 10 minute wait on going through turns, either with my old computer or my new one. Interesting
Strange...well have you ever gotten up to the point where one race has over 2000 ships?? Or in the STM mod, using the Star Trek map, past turn 100?

Why I ask...because my turns are now taking about 10-13 minutes to process....I must admit, I'm tempted to abandon this game, and start a new one . But I probably won't, because this one's going so well!
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )
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Old July 30th, 2004, 03:54 AM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

10-13 minutes to process??!!? Holy Cow man, what are the game parameters. I remember I used to play TDM games, with 255 systems, 20 empires and neutrals, and even near the end of the game when I had thousands of ships still it only took a few minutes, and that was on a pretty cruddy laptop a few years ago. What're your system specs again?

Originally posted by Renegade 13:
Originally posted by gregebowman:
That's strange. It only takes about a minute or two to process my turns. I play single player, and keep to the default settings. Maybe it's because I usually don't get to meet all of the other races before I either get bored or a new mod comes out and I try that one. But I don't ever recall a 10 minute wait on going through turns, either with my old computer or my new one. Interesting
Strange...well have you ever gotten up to the point where one race has over 2000 ships?? Or in the STM mod, using the Star Trek map, past turn 100?

Why I ask...because my turns are now taking about 10-13 minutes to process....I must admit, I'm tempted to abandon this game, and start a new one . But I probably won't, because this one's going so well!

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Old July 30th, 2004, 04:01 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Game parameters:
-Star Trek Mod
-Star Trek Map (by Tnarg, different sized homeworlds).
-Max Units and ships
-High difficulty, Medium AI bonus
-10 AI's

System specs:
-2.2 GHz Intel Celeron Processor
-60 GB Hard Drive
-256 MB RAM
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )
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Old July 30th, 2004, 05:39 AM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

The map is causing the problem. Plus the AI's are building a ton of fighters, weapon platforms, and mines. I hate to say it, but the mod is designed to play as close to human as possible, and humans use a lot of defensive tools.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old August 3rd, 2004, 12:02 AM

Scatter Scatter is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

*Newbie Alert*

Alarm klaxxons sound everywhere as everyone is called to their stations

ok, I have only just discovered both this forum and this mod. i am just wondering, what is the difference between these two mods that are housed on the same domain: this mod and this mod?

i started to read this thread from the beginning but gave up about 60 pages in...
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Old August 3rd, 2004, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion

Welcome to the forum and the mod. We get this question from time to time.

The major differance is that the AST (Atrocities Star Trek Mod) use standard Space Empires IV technology with some racial trait specific weapons and stuff. It is basically SEIV with a slight star trek flavor.

STM (Star Trek Mod) is a complete conVersion mod that use exclusive star trek technology and racial traits.

Both mods are good mods, but for the best Star Trek feel, I recommend the STM v 1.7.5.


Since your new I should also point out that you will need to download and install the Image Mod files. These files are required by the both the STM and AST mods.

www.spaceempires.net IMAGE MOD MIRROR.

These image mods include Planet Pack, Facility Pack, Component Pack, Combat Pack. You install these over your exsisting Space Empires IV / Pictures / ABOVE NAMES folders. They will add extra content to each of the folders, more planets, more facilities, more components, and more combat images. They will require that you over right ONE file each. Planets.bmp, components.bmp, facilities.bmp, and combat.bmp.

The reason for this is these bmp's are the mini images that are used in the game, and therefore must be included for the game to use them correctly.

Also you migt get an error over missing system image. Usually Nebula5 or something. If you do post and we will tell you have to fix this. Its easy to do, but requires that you download the FQM Delux mod and copying over some images into your STM folder. Fyron can explain this better but I think by the time that this happens to you, you will know how to do it yourself.

Also UPDATE to the latest Version of Space Empires IV. (1.91) This is critical. Have fun and good luck.

[ August 03, 2004, 00:03: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old August 3rd, 2004, 12:59 AM

Scatter Scatter is offline
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Default Re: STM "Final v1.7.5" Discussion


thx for the reply. given the answer, i think i'll follow the advice and go with the STM for the 'real deal'
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Old August 9th, 2004, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Colony Modules

I'm wondering why the colony modules have 300 hp, while the entire rest of the ship has only about 50 hp total.
Spaceyards and robominers are similar.

The capital ship missile component has an ability description of "+10% bonus to hit" when its a seeker, and thus guaranteed to hit.
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Old August 10th, 2004, 02:24 AM
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Default Re: Colony Modules

Cuz I am to lazy to fix them.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old October 15th, 2004, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: STM \"Final v1.7.5\" Discussion

Here is an update:

Star Trek Mod v1.7.8

1. Changed All Races Troop Tech requpirment to match in the TechArea file.
2. NEED TO Infantry to all Race Design Creation Files
3. Fixed Comp_1230 masking problem
4. Changed Reduced Drone Size by half for all sizes
5. Changed Reduced Drone Planet and Ship warhead damage by half for all sizes
6. Changed Reduced Drone Launcher I - III cargo capacity (To avoid conflict with Cargo Bay)
7. Changed Reduced Satellite Launcher I - III cargo capticy (To avoid conflict with Cargo Bay)
8. Changed Reduced Satellite Size by half for all sizes
9. Added Drone Mount - Reduces size of components for use with Drone by 50%
10. Added Satellite Mount - Reduces size of components for use with Satellite by 50%
11. Changed Propulsion system of the mod. (Testing Phase)
12. Added Warp Core I - V mounts (Based On Ship Size)
13. Added Comp_888 Warp Nacelle to mod -
14. Changed Klingon Stream Weapons to Klingon Disruptors in Klingon Research file.
15 Changed Modified all Races Design Creation files to reflect changes in the new propulsion system
16. Changed Modified Romulan Research file slightly
17. Changed Modified Ai Files slightly
18. Added All New Race EMP files for 2k, 3k, and 5k
19. Added Borg Monster Race by TNZ (For AI USE ONLY)

Star Trek Mod v1.7.7

1. Added 20 Place holder slots to the RacialTech File
2. Added Infantry to Vehicle Size file
3. Added Infantry Specific Weapons - Phasers, Disruptors, and Others
4. Updated All Race Ship Sets to new hi-res renders
5. Changed Description of Ring and Sphere Worlds to make them more descriptive on how to use.
6. Changed Ferengi Neutrino Mine I - III image from 185 to 1332
7. Changed Shield Generators Mine I - III Image from 185 to 1327
8. Changed Engine Mine I - III Image from 185 to 1328
9. Added Power Industrialists to Racial Trait (150% to Space Yard Production @ a cost of 1500 Points)
10. Added Very Un-Lucky to Raical Trait (-100 to Luck @ a Savings of 1000 points)
11. Added Natural Engineers to Racial Traits (150% to Repair) (Based upon Adamant Mod)
12. Added Engineeringly challenged to Racial Traits (-50% to Repair)
13. Added Miniaturization Experts to Racial Traits (120% to Planet Storage) (Based upon Adamant Mod)
14. Added Pack Rats to Racial Traits (-25% to Planet Storage)
15. Added Advanced Minerals Storage, Advanced Organics Storage, and Advanced Radioactives Storage To Racial Traits. (Based upon Adamant Mod)
16. Added Disorganized Minerals Storage, Disorganized Organics Storage, and Disorganized Radioactives Storage to Racial Traits. (Based upon the Adamant Mod)
17. Changed Bussard Collector I - III supply generation from 100,120,140 to 80,100,120
18. Changed Ram Scoop I - III supply generation from 150,180,200 to 120,140,160
19. Changed Drone Maturation Chamber I - V and ConVersion Complex I - III family number from 34 to 87
20. Changed Lowered over all Cost of Breen Atmospheric Modification Plant II - III
21. Changed Lowered over all Cost of Breen Organic Extractor I - III
22. Added Infantry Tech to Tech Area
23. Added Pistol, Rifle, Body Armor, Personal Shield Generator to Components for use with Infantry Tech.
24. Removed All Races Troops from Components File. No need.
25. Added All Races Troops to Vehicle Size File. (Now a True Troop)
26. Added Pirate Troops to Tech Area file.
27. Changed Strength of Pirates I - III (Ship Capture) from 25,35,45 to 35,45,55
28. Changed Pirate Shield Depleter I - V damage at range from 15 to 25 across all ranges.
29. Changed Pirate Hull Armor I - III tonnage structure (35,40,45)(5kt)
30. Changed Modified cost of Pirate Hull Armor I - III
31. Changed Klingon Small Disruptor I - III tech requirement from Klingon Stream Weapons to Klingon Disruptors
32. Changed Pirate Disruptor I - X to match that of the Klingons

Star Trek Mod v1.7.6 Captain Kwok's Revisions

1. Changed Modified tonnage structures for most components.
2. Changed Armor tonnage (10kT) structure (20-25-30)
3. Added Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
4. Changed Modified cost for Armor
5. Changed Emissive Armor (20kT) tonnage structure (40-45-50)
6. Added Emissive Armor - Five Per Vehicle restriction
7. Changed Modified cost for Emissive Armor
8. Changed Scattering Armor (40kT) tonnage structure (40-45-50)
9. Changed Modified cost for Scattering Armor
10. Changed Federation Ablative Armor to Ablative Armor
11. Changed Ablative Armor (5kT) tonnage structure (20-25-30)
12. Changed Ablative Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
13. Changed Modified cost for Ablative Armor
15. Changed Borg Regenerative Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (15-20-25)
16. Changed Borg Regenerative Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
17. Changed Modified cost for Borg Regenerative Armor
18. Changed Description for Borg Regenerative Armor
19. Changed Breen Organic Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-35-40)
20. Changed Breen Organic Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
21. Changed Modified cost for Borg Regenerative Armor
22. Changed Kelindide Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-35-40)
23. Changed Kelindide Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
24. Changed Modified cost for Kelindide Armor
25. Changed Varethiel Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (30-40-50)
26. Changed Varethiel Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
27. Changed Modified cost for Varethiel Armor
28. Changed Crystalline Armor (10kT) tonnage structure (50-60-70)
29. Changed Crystalline Armor - Ten Per Vehicle restriction
30. Changed Modified cost for Crystalline Armor
31. Changed Shield Generator I-X to 20kT
32. Changed Modified Shield Generator attributes, shield Points, phased Shields, etc.
33. Changed Modified Bio - Electric Field attributes - phased shield points only
34. Changed Renamed Borg Regenerative Shields to Borg Shield Regenerator to match actual function
35. Changed Modified attributes of Borg Shield Regenerator
36. Changed Modified cost of Borg Shield Regenerator
37. Changed Structural Integrity Field (0kT) tonnage structure (20-40-60-80-100)
38. Changed Renamed Supply Storage to Anti-Matter Pod
39. Changed Modified Anti-Matter Pod supply storage (500-625-750-875-1000)
40. Changed Reduced Cargo Bay storage space (50-60-70-80-100)
41. Changed Modified Ferengi Deuterium Tank supply storage (500-750-1000-1250-1500)
42. Changed Modified cost of Ferengi Deuterium Tank
43. Changed Modified Ferengi Compact Cargo Bay storage space (40-50-60-70-80)
44. Changed Modified cost of Ferengi Compact Cargo Bay
46. Changed Damage for Laser I-V.
47. Removed Phased-Energy Cannons VI-X.
48. Changed Damage for Phased-Energy Cannons I-V.
49. Changed Renamed Federation Phasers I-X to Phasers I-X.
50. Changed Description for Phasers I-X.
51. Changed Damage and cost for Phasers I-X.
52. Changed +10% Accuracy for Phasers I-X.
53. Changed Phasers I-X now use beam image 16.
54. Note Same 'Scaled' modifications as above for Small Phasers I-III.
55. Removed Federation Pulse Phasers VI.
56. Changed Renamed Federation Pulse Phasers I-V to Pulse Phasers I-V.
57. Changed Description for Pulse Phasers I-V.
58. Changed Damage and cost for Pulse Phasers I-V.
59. Changed -10% Accuracy for Pulse Phasers I-V.
60. Note Same 'Scaled' modifications as above for Small Pulse Phasers I-III.
61. Changed Renamed Ram Cannon to Phaser Cannon.
62. Changed Description for Phaser Cannon.
63. Changed Damage and cost for Phaser Cannon.
64. Changed Increase Federation Pulse Weapon Energy Stream Weapon requirement to 5.
65. Changed Display image for Klingon Disruptor to Torp 131.
66. Changed Increased cost of Federation Pulse Weapons tech area to 25000.
67. Changed Changed tech area Klingon Stream Weapons to Klingon Disruptors.
68. Changed Increased size of Scanner Jammer to 30kT
69. Removed Small Ship Shield Mount
70. Changed Attributes of Galaxy X Mount
71. Changed Settings.txt Population Mass to 10
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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