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Old February 19th, 2009, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Originally Posted by Jybalbyle View Post
Well... I can't remember how I managed to get the Ulm prologue on the DomWiki page, so I'm gonna do a Darkwind and post below. Enjoy...
Edit your nation's article page. I added sections up to turn 8 for all the nations in the game now. As to how to use them, see my post for the other game. In short: "put text between curly braces, duh." I know that the code can look daunting. As always, it's best to observe and copy from others. Learn by imitation! Just edit their article pages to find out how they did something. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
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Old February 21st, 2009, 11:09 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Because a backup is always nice, here is my story(s) for turn 3. For the records, the battles and such were resolved on turn 4. It's a bit confusing with the stories always being a turn behind the game, though. I'll live I guess.
Divine power raced through her. Hafeg Klah felt alive as she never had before; looking beside her, she saw Neriglissar in a state of bliss--their god was giving him power, as well. With a single phrase, Hafeg created a divine insurance--any heathens who attacked her would feel the wrath of Critias, Prince of the Deeps.

In front of the couple ranged a small army, a militia hastily assembled from the people of this strange, bright land. They marched forward, wary of the great club Hafeg held, but unwilling to desert. Even armored, she knew they would be no match for a King and Queen of the Basalt City. But they marched onward, keeping their spears carefully between them and her.

She ran forward to meet them as her husband did, and the battle began. The spears grazed Hafeg and Neriglissar, while their attacks laid waste to the enemy force. The lighter force was quickly destroyed, and Hafeg could see even the veterans about to--

A spear forced its way into her upper arm as she was bashing a spearman. Hafeg roared, and the spear snapped as she rammed the militia, sending him flying into a tree. The rest turned and ran. Hafeg ran after them, knocking even more into the ground. As the last few fled the scene, Hafeg calmed and groaned--the wound that spear had given her was deep, and would not heal well.
Eios watched warily as the dark things walked through the gates of the small fort. His father and king had deserted him, and now he was left to attend to the Kingdom of Corwell. Though, from the size of those menacing beasts, he would not be king for much longer.

One of them made a garbled sort of sound at him, followed by the other. The first one, with the staff, made a disgusting sort of coughing noise, and then, "Hello," in a slow drawl.


"Are you the...king?"

"I am the king's son. But my father has fled, so I suppose I am now."

"Where is this place?"

"This is the White Keep. It's a fallback for when the palace seems under pressure, not that this place is much safer."

"Where is this place?" The one with the club spoke now, in a barely-intelligible accent.

"It's, err, it's in Corwell."


"Yes. Corwell. That is the name of the kingdom, the Kingdom of Corwell."

"The Kingdom of...Corwell. This place is ours now. You bow to Critias, the Prince of the Deeps." The one with the staff moved towards the door into the throne room, and Eios nervously ushered it inside.
It was my first battle, really. It wasn't supposed to be such a bloody start to my career. I positioned my better-armored troops in the front. They still crumpled. They were fighting Ichtyid militia! But the nets entangled the men, and their weapons did the rest. I should have given them shields, I should have gone out there myself. I never got the chance to fight, even. I ran behind the Deep Ones loping towards the Ichtyids. My men died like flies. I suppose I should be glad the enemy died faster.

At least the Deep Ones ate well.
-Cax Kulu, shortly after the Battle of the Nelanther Sea
Zhigg was attended to by a Basalt King flanked with Living Pillars. Zhigg looked uneasily at his own men. His Shamblers were no match for the Pillars, and the Basalt King was both physically and magically more powerful than Zhigg.

"So, you consider yourself a commander?"

"I am leader of a small band of Shamblers, from the deeper caves below the Basalt City. My lord."


"My magic has shown to me that my tribe is doomed to destruction if I do not follow Critias. I took what men would follow me and lead them here. My lord."

"Very well. I will take one of your men to lead me down to the rest. You may join our armies, you and your tribe. Go."

The Basalt King was in the door already when Zhigg asked, "And what shall I do?"

The King turned. "You said to the guards outside the city that you yourself made that staff of yours. Did you not?"

"I did."

A hint of greed came into the King's eyes. "Then make me a weapon..."
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Old February 24th, 2009, 09:31 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Ooh. I just noticed Ulm and Pangaea stalled last turn. Unfortunately its probably too late to roll back the turn now unless everyone agreed, people have already written events into their storyline It's partially my fault for not monitoring the turns closer and adding extra time, but please don't hesitate to ask for an extension if you don't think you'll be in on time, it's a simple request to grant
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Old February 24th, 2009, 11:07 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

I just messed up my email, I can deal with it.
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Old February 25th, 2009, 02:32 PM

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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

My bad. I'm sure it will not affect my chances of winning the game...
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Old February 25th, 2009, 05:05 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Guess what Heroic Ability Neriglissar got.
The whale moved towards Fraal, its blubber rippling as it swam past the smaller, crippled Atlantian Queen. Fraal noticed the arms and realized that it was another Atlantian, though an especially large and fat one.

Fraal continued his charge, slamming into it with full force with his comrades. He even managed to tear a gaping wound in the thing's stomach, though it didn't seem to care. As others tore in, he noticed that both the Atlantians regenerated unnaturally quickly.

He ducked as a vast quarterstaff appeared from the rolls of the thing's thick chest and slammed right past him into his friend. He stabbed again, but the thing ignored his trident and carved a path of destruction through his friends.

One of the survivors, a triton Fraal couldn't recognize, turned tail and retreated. Fraal followed, and soon the whale-with-arms was far behind them, huffing and puffing as its cheeks turned a strange color of purple, struggling to catch up to an army of Tritons in their element. Fraal was already trying to decide where to hide--go back to his village? Join a mercwenary band prowling the waters? Or perhaps with mysterious Khreshaal who had promised the commander riches?
Cax Kulu glanced nervously at the Basalt King. He had suggested the try out the new formation on a smaller target first, but the King had insisted on attacking the prestigious Amber Clan. The soldiers were clearly agitated as well, though the Deep Ones seemed to still be excited about the prospect of fresh meat. The rushing sound told him before he even looked that the Tritons were charging, and the battle was on.

The well-defended Shamblers and Spearman took up the first wave of Atlantians, charging forwards with their shields ready to take the tritons' tridents. The Amber Clan elite tore through them like butter, aiming at the poorly-defended heads or simply smashing through the thin shields. The survivors put up a meager attack as the second wave attacked.

The Deep Ones loped towards the tritons on all fours, jumping and clawing and biting at them. The armor simply withstood all but the most fierce attacks. Cax Kulu pushed and shoved, desperate to get to the front where he might do some good, but the Atlantians resisted him with as much vigor as they did the enemy. Looking for the King, the noticed the vast monarch was simply standing back and admiring his sword.

The counterattack was vicious. The unarmed and unarmored Deep Ones gave no resistance to the enemy tritons. The few men remaining took a look behind them and ran full-speed for the hills. Looking with them, Cax Kulu saw that bastard King running away, already farther ahead than any of the others. Not wanting to be left for dead in a rout, he followed the lead of his men.

The tritons swam past him, crushing the Deep Ones. A whole group went after the Basalt King; the fool simply continued to run even with the tridents speared through him. Cax Kulu gave himself a moment to--

A trident slammed through the back of his head, through his eye. He fell with a soft crash, the spikes on his armor breaking as they touched the ground.
I give the good-for-nothing a sword. A fancy, shiny sword that's supposed to make him more awesome. What does he do? NOTHING.
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Old February 26th, 2009, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Farbaute flung a half eaten haunch of pig aside and belched. Reaving had been good to him and it would be time to let out the greaves of his cuirass again. Tales has spread throughout the land of his blazing trail across the countryside, his men looting and burning, eating the finest of the foods and drinking the finest of the wines before burning and spoiling the rest. The Shadowdale militia had hardly put up a fight, they’d obviously been fearing the day his banner appeared and had no heart for fighting the scourge of north.

Meanwhile, in the western deserts another hero feared throughout the land gazed down the hill at something new. Gudrod studied the banner flapping atop the pole in the village center. It would appear his reavers had finally cut a path to one of the more organized nations of man for this was the banner of Marverni. Eager for blood, his warband prepared to put another nest of vermin to the sword, but Gudrod held them. He had special instructions for dealing with Marverni. “Bring me their mayor. Alive, and kill no one.”

This surprised his lieutenant, but his wishes were carried out immediately. Glamoured raiders crept into the mayor’s house and spirited him up the hill to attend Gudrod. “Listen well human, you do not have leave to speak. You will bring a message to whoever styles himself your king. The Master Druid Zanbarth has declared a cleansing and the nation of Helheim it’s instrument. Your encampment sits upon ancestral Helheim lands, we claim the whole of the Anaurch under our banner from The Sword to the High Ice. Master Zanbarth has fond memories and old friends on your council of druids and has instructed us to spare your people if possible. Yet order must be restored and the overgrown bush of humanity trimmed. If you yield the Northwest Anaurch and Western High Ice we will compensate you for displacing your people and sign a treaty leaving everything west of this to you. These lands are barren and of little benefit to your nation, yet important to Helheim. If you prove yourself a friend of the Vanir we will protect you from the more barbarous and vicious nations of your ilk, there could be much benefit to you as we clear the land of those of your kind less willing to restore the land to balance. You have one fortnight to consider and accept this treaty and begin moving your people.”

As the terrified mayor was pushed back to stumble into his sleeping village Gudrod ordered “Send word to Farbaute and Afe that I require support on the western front. Word has it that the Hangadrott Siguard has ridden out at the head of his own personal army, send word to him as well. This human king may require blood to flow if he believes we are bluffing. Meanwhile, let us take position inside their lands. We will merely observe for now.”
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Old February 28th, 2009, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Many apologies guys, I have rolled the turn back. Several factors including some drama regarding my uni enrolment and a stray dog of all things resulted in me forgetting to submit my turn. I wasn't the only one who didn't quite manage to get it in on time so I've decided to roll back the turn this time. I sincerly apologise for any inconveniance I might have caused.
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

I'd like to suggest that rollbacks be reserved for really critical things like for instance a server hiccup causing the turn to host early with half the nations not having turns submitted. Rollbacks have caused problems in every game I've been in when they were used. It's extremely frustrating to have a battle you "won" turn out differently, and double plus extremely frustrating when your neighbor does something differently than the first time after having seen the result of a battle. I think they're particularly frustrating in this game where people are writing storylines. I've seen a lot of bad blood created from rollbacks, with accusations of cheating, people quitting the game in a huff etc., probably best to just suck it up and accept a stale here or there when real life causes you to miss a turn.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Good points, Baalz. We've already run over that turn so I'm guessing I can't undo the rollback? But rest assured I won't be arranging any more in the future simply because I missed a turn.
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