Ok, this is last one for a while. The only graphics lacking are the King & Green Knight, but I'm savouring those. (rdonj, I'm also going to touch up the Pegasus Knight eventually) You see, now I'm going to start writing the descriptions* and I'll work on the missing graphics if I ever need a break from the constant typing.
I updated the Knight Errants & KotR's pics. Also some more touchups on the Damsel & Questing Knight.
Since I'm now going to write the descriptions, I'd like to ask your opinion on something. I got this idea to write the nation into the Dominions3-verse, instead of just "making it appear" like Sombre did with his nations. I see special reason to go this route because I really can't the true warhammer explanation for the Lady and the origins of the Grail because we lack Wood Elf nation**. I won't go into detail here, but my storyline involves the fall of Maverni and the last of druids making a deal with a certain supernatural being to get their revenge on Ermor.
*My method of mod-making
1) Do Graphics
2) Do Descriptions (I usually write them in word, to make use of the spellchecker)
3) The .dm file.
Besides, IMHO, the warhammer explanation sorta sucks. I mean it's pretty dark and fitting for warhammer universe, but it dramatically undermines the whole nation. I mean, who'd think that guys that are being hoaxed on a epic level could be bad-***?