Just chipping in my 'vision' for a system of combat initative: (highest number goes first, if there is a tie then both ships go at the same time with damage being applied to both ships at the end of their movement phase):
Hard Code Modifications: Add a line to ALL components in components.txt, line goes like this 'Combat initative modifier' (like the 'to hit' % modifier), this number can be both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE. Add a similar line to the CompEnhancement.txt for weapon mounts. This way people can modd the numbers to be what they want, include an ability in the abilities.txt (think that is what it is called, where the system abilities etc is stored) that contains a random number entry, where the user can also modd. Include a start and a finish, positive and negative numbers. (ie, random combat initive number: -10 to 20, or -1 to 5, etc)
The Numbers : (will be using -2 to +6, with a random 0 to 6 added to initative).Remember highest goes first.
Ship Initative:
Light Cruiser:3
Battle Cruiser:1
Battle Ship:0
Transport Class: 0
Colonizer Class:-1
Engine Bonus:, +1 per engine, with an additional +1 for each engine 'level' (not tech level, but the different engine levels, ie, Ion, Conterra, Photon etc).
Component Bonus: Combat Sensors+1/level to +3, Combat ECM(?) +1/level to +3, Master Computer, +1/level to +3, Solar Sail -1 (big, unwieldy), Solar Collectors(?) -1 (big, unwieldy), Religious Talisman +2, Psychic Sensors +1 lev to +3, Hyper Optics +1/level to +3, Grav Sensors +1/level to +3 etc.
This would be the base of it, with a random 0 to 6 added, highest number goes first.
2Frigates, with 6 engines each (contra Terr level, +2 bonus), combat sensors I and Master Computers I. Total Initative is 14 + 0 to 6.
vs. 1 Dreadnought: 2 engines (Photon level, +3 bonus), Talisman, Combat ECM I, Hyper Optics I, Master Computer II. Total Initative is 10 plus 0 to 6.
The Dreadnought in this example can still go first, all it has to do is get a random combat initative number result of 5 or 6, and the Frigates 'roll' a result of 0 or 1.
[This message has been edited by Deathstalker (edited 13 October 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Deathstalker (edited 13 October 2001).]