Re: Objective Flag Values
I vaguly remember this subject being chewed over several years ago on the Blitz. I don't remember if it was WW2 or W@W. IIRC, there were code issues with increasing the point values past 250. I would guess that the values of the flags are used elsewhere in the program, which means the Law of Unintended Consequences (AKA Murphy) is laying in wait for that sort of change.
Matrix did allow the flags to be hidden, restricted to one change (First past the post in legal terms) and not showing up until a certain turn. I almost forgot, Exit flags, which I really enjoyed. Exit a unit off the map at that flag and you got points for it.
Ultimately SP is Clausewitzian (Is that a word?) in that once you destroy the enemy forces, there is nothing to permit you from carrying out your mission, no matter what that mission is, which make the flags unimportant. Different types of flags are useful when using an indirect approach. Since the indirect approach can also be used to destroy the enemy, one argument was that the flags are just for the Program and scenario designers. The man at the top of the ladder confessed to turning the flags OFF when he played. That shocked everyone and started a trend.