This nation was so close to vanilla already there was no reason not to balance it further. Though, vampires are still incredibly powerful when it comes to independents. I cant change their stats without hurting the spirit of the mod. The only thing I can do is play with their price but the change should be within the limits of the formula I use for the rest of the units or I break the inner balance of the mod (meaning, you will only use 1-2 of the units in any given game like you do in vanilla. The more I balance it against vanilla the more I make it so.).
I cant resist my natural tendencies to overpower
. So I wouldn't add it to the Mod List as balanced. I wish there was a way of giving vampires disease spreading ability (signifying their feeding on population) without making them unique or ethereal. I gave the troops Harvesters number but I guess it only works on leaders cause it didnt take.
My solution is: I removed natural protection from all vampires, but gave them 50% regeneration.