ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a disaster. I started with ancient race trait and saw where Ragnarok's planets were right away.
I forgot to turn off "ships stop when encountering enemy ships/colonies" in the empire options, so my ship arrived at his homeworld one turn too late and got annihilated by his weapons platforms.
Then I plugged the warp point with satellites thinking I was safe, but Rag went into the warp point with his missile frigate, and guess what the sats were armed with DUC I so they didn't have the range to fire on the frigate.
He annihilated a colony and is on the verge of annihilating my homeworld. I can't build any weapons platforms myself, because guess what, I emergency built on all my homeworlds and have a ton of colonizers so I'm -3k rads a turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once he kills the homeworld I'm conceding. Must be the shortest KOTH game ever. Three small mistakes, and they cost me the game.

I would continue, but since Rag kills a homeworld I don't see any point, and this being a competitive game Rag killing a homeworld means I can't be competitive in the long run so I'm just wasting his time. GG Rag lol. (We were both Online at the same time, so this entire thing happened in a couple of hours lol).