it'll be a .map file, .dm files are the files for modding stuff not for maps
hmmm well basicly I'd start with loading the pic (I'll mail it to you if you want) in the program in dom 3000. (I already deleted all white dots before placing my own, and I do hope they ARE all there now, because entering new ones is quite annoying)
1. In that program I'd try to set all landtypes (space must be set to forest, and obviously you can't use a forest land type on planet provinces.) It's probably better NOT to use water provinces
2. In that program you can let it try to set borders, but you WILL have to check it all manually (I think removing borders is with shift or cntrl or something) be VERY carefull with which mousebutton you use because before you know it there will be a new connection on the map.
If all that is done (if you are more precise than me you can hopefully do it correct the first time)
3. in the program set names: most province names are insufficient for our purpose. Planetprovince names can be acceptable but leaving them random is asking for problems luckily you can just keep setting a new name for the province (picking a random one till it's acceptable.) For the spaceprovinces (all forests now after step 1) you'll have to think of names that fit their spacy nature (you are welcome to use the ones from the .map file of the solar system map)
After this you'll have to save the file (probably better to do it in between too
) and you can't really use the program anymore
open the .map file with some program and then the real work will begin
The landtypes and names should be together I think and the province connections too.
Personally I just keep the province connections together but for each province name and type etc I put them on different lines. Then you can just type what you want with each province what you want.
I'd open the solar system map file than and you'll have to put (copy/paste) a poptype line for each province (else it'll be a regular random dom 3 poptype which will be unthematic. AND a starting army.
you'll have to check the landtype for forest so you can recognize forest provinces (better not to mix landtypes for forest = space provinces else you won't recognize them and there are no real good explanations for having a space/waste landtype anyway.)
pirates and kraken and space eels should go into space (spaceeels are not a poptype you can recruit though) if you want to know which is what you can look that up in the .dm file (nearly on the bottom just above the lines that put all old races in MA, from the single age mod) you can ofcourse copy certain setups for multiple province (as I did) but it's fun to have some variety (like I someties put a space eel or kraken with pirates etc etc.)
well that is basicly it. Good luck. Let me know where I can mail the big map picture.
PS the idea is that the black area's around the planet close-ups are just connection with all province on the planet they seem to touch and that the province on the planet (all divided into pie pieces) only touch their land neighbours (no connection over the central point) and the space province in the black box. The black box space province always touch eachother AND both of the province in which the box seems to lie/touch. For the rest I've made lots of connections in space where 4 provinces meet eachother and unlike on planets I think you should let them all connect.. it's space after all.. but if you think they shouldn't connect diagonally as well (which would be the other option) then that is fine as long als you do it consistently...