Geoschmo vs Slyky - 2403.8
Geo surrenders (a slight surprise as I didn't expect it).
A very interesting game and one frought with some exciting moments. With a 3-HW start and "hand" placement, the borders became apparent at about half the map...11 systems for Geo and 9 for me. Of those systems, one of mine was an asteroid field right out of my home system. Geo's were all usable (but a couple were a bit sparse on planets). All in all, a pretty competitive split.
I got heavy into research and by the time we had each built up some fleets for attacking, we both sprang at the same time!

It didn't go well for me as my technically-superior fleet moved toward his system at the same time a fleet of his attacked the planet that I left

. Go figure! To top it off, he captured my planet instead of glassing it.
Meanwhile, I attacked on the other side of the spiral and made some ground there. But, he was inside my empire. My choice was to try to go back and fight his superior numbers and try to keep him from performing a "riot-run" (after all, the planet he captured had a refueling station) or try my own "riot-run" on 2 sides. By this time, I'm 2nd in points as well.
So, I did everything I could think of to keep my empire going: I scrapped all the fueling stations on my homeworlds (all three in the same system), scrapped 2 SpacePorts, and scrapped all 3 Yards. Also, began scrapping research facs (at this point, 75,000 in research wasn't needed as much as minerals) at all the homeworlds and building mineral extraction. Began scrapping mineral storage places in lieu of extraction places. But, it kept my resources up and dropped my research (at game end) to 56,000.
My "riot run" didn't result in many glassed planets as Geo abandoned planets as I entered systems. Meanwhile, he was capturing mine. All in all, he abandoned many more of his than he captured of stop rioting. I chose to research troops in a hurry and built troops everywhere that was important instead. At game end, I only had one planet rioting...not bad, I guess.
On the southside, I had run through 2 systems of his and was low on fuel but, if one can believe it, I had a colony ship trailing and settled a planet to put it on emergency build for a refueling station as my fleet moved back to get fuel (and join with other warships trailing make a fleet of nearly 40 ships...about half of them trained). It would have been difficult to stop that fleet as most every ship was fitted/refitted to Sensor/ECM 2's.
But that was just in the south. In the north, I made a bold game as he headed toward another planet to capture and won out (after he captured my planet) with my fleet of ships about equal in number to his. But, I was seeing that my ECM/Sensor 2's were fading in superiority as he had 2/1's on his by now. Both of us fielding LCs.
By the Last 2 turns, I felt better about the game (as Geo didn't know I already had Gas colony ships coming off the line to help with minerals). But the surrender was a surprise. Capture ships helped out a lot as he fielded armor and I fielded shield IVs...easy to capture his ships (no SDD) on them.
All in all, in was a darn good game and a game I figured I had lost. Perhaps what helped me was that he never moved further into my empire with his initial invasion fleet. Had he done so, it could have been a totally different game as it took me several turns to get ships to the warp point he would enter at (to stop him).
He played a good game! Scary all the way and I feel a bit lucky to have managed a win. Thanks for the game, Geo! It was a good one, win or lose.